White-cheeked Bullfinch

White-cheeked Bullfinch / Pyrrhula leucogenis

White-cheeked Bullfinch

Here the details of the White-cheeked Bullfinch named bird below:

SCI Name:  Pyrrhula leucogenis
Protonym:  Pyrrhula leucogenis Bull.Br.Orn.Club 4 p.41 spdP
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Fringillidae /
Taxonomy Code:  whcbul1
Type Locality:  mountains of Lepanto, northern Luzon.
Publish Year:  1895
IUCN Status:  


(Fringillidae; Ϯ Eurasian Bullfinch P. pyrrhula) Late Med. L. pyrrhula  Bullfinch  < Gr. πυρρουλας purrhoulas  worm-eating bird, mentioned by Aristotle, later identified as either the Robin Erithacus or the Bullfinch; "Le genre du Bouvreuil.  Genus Pyrrhulæ" (Brisson 1760): based on "Pyrrhula" and "Rubicilla" of many authors, "Rubrica" of Gessner 1555, "Fringilla sanguinea" of Schwenckfeld 1603, "Fringilla Rubecula" of Frisch 1733-1743, "Coccothraustes sanguinea" of Klein 1750, and "Loxia artubus nigris ..." of Linnaeus 1746; "Pyrrhula Brisson, 1760, Ornithologie, 1, p. 36. Type, by tautonymy, Loxia pyrrhula Linnaeus." (Paynter in Peters 1968, XIV, 293). In ornithology the combination pyrrhul- is often used for thick-billed birds, or for those with red breasts. The Eurasian Bullfinch is accused of eating cultivated fruits or nipping buds and is still persecuted in some areas.
Var. PyhrrhulaPyrhula, PhyrrulaPyrrhulas, Pirrula, Pirula, Pitalla, Purrhula.
Synon. Protopyrrhula, Pyrrhia.

Gr. πυρρουλας purrhoulas  worm-eating bird mentioned by Aristotle, since identified as either the robin Erithacus or the bullfinch; "96. LOXIA.  ...  Pyrrhula.  4. L. artubus nigris, tectricibus caudæ remigumque posticarum albis. Fn. svec. 178.  Rubicilla s. Pyrrhula. Gesn. av. 733. Aldr. orn. l. 17. c. 31. Jonst. av. . . t. 43. Will. ornith. 130. t. 43. Raj. av. 86. Alb. orn. I. t. 59. 60. Frisch. av. . . t. 2. f. 1. 2. Olin. av. 40.  Habitat in Europæ sylvis, Sorbi disseminatorMas subtus ruber, Femina subtus fusco-cinerea." (Linnaeus 1758) (Pyrrhula).

leucogenis / leucogenus / leucogenys
Gr. λευκος leukos  white; γενυς genus, γενυος genuos  jaw, chin, cheek.
● ex “Turdus leucogenys” of Lichtenstein MS (Cichlopsis).


White-cheeked Bullfinch (leucogenis)
SCI Name: Pyrrhula leucogenis leucogenis
leucogenis / leucogenus / leucogenys
Gr. λευκος leukos  white; γενυς genus, γενυος genuos  jaw, chin, cheek.
● ex “Turdus leucogenys” of Lichtenstein MS (Cichlopsis).

White-cheeked Bullfinch (steerei)
SCI Name: Pyrrhula leucogenis steerei
steerei / steerii
Prof. Joseph Beal Steere (1842-1940) US ornithologist, zoologist, palaeontologist, anthropologist, explorer, collector in Brazil, Peru and Ecuador 1870-1873, 1901, Taiwan 1873-1874, the Philippines and Moluccas 1874-1875, 1887-1888 (Centropus, syn. Ceyx cyanopectus,  Eubucco, Liocichla, Oriolus, syn. Otus manadensis, Pernis, Pitta, subsp. Pyrrhula leucogenis, Sarcophanops).