Gray-throated Sunbird

Gray-throated Sunbird / Anthreptes griseigularis

Gray-throated Sunbird

Here the details of the Gray-throated Sunbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Anthreptes griseigularis
Protonym:  Anthothreptus griseigularis Proc.Zool.Soc.London Part IV, Meeting of December 4, 1877 p. 830-831
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Nectariniidae /
Taxonomy Code:  pltsun3
Type Locality:  Surigao, northeastern Mindanao.
Publish Year:  1878
IUCN Status:  


(Nectariniidae; Ϯ Brown-throated Sunbird A. malacensis) Gr. ανθος anthos  flower, blossom; θρεπτης threptēs  feeder  < τρεφω trephō  to rear; "Genus, ANTHREPTES.  Bill slender, attenuated, minutely crenated; the base of the under mandible strong, and not having the margin hid by that of the upper mandible.  Wings rounded.  Tail even. Inner toe shorter than the external toe.  Type. — Cynniris Javanica. ZOOL. ILLUSTR., iii. pl. 121" (Swainson 1832); "Anthreptes Swainson, 1832, in Swainson and Richardson, Fauna Bor. Amer., 2 (1831), p. 495. Type, by original designation and monotypy, Cinnyris javanica Swainson = Certhia malacensis Scopoli." (Rand in Peters, 1967, XII, p. 209).  
Var. Anthothreptes, Anthreptus, Anthotreptes, Anthorheptes, Authreptes.   
Synon. Arachnophila, Euchloridia, Gunningia, Lamprothreptes, Mangusia, Paradeleornis, Rhizophorornis, Tephrolaema.

griseigulare / griseigularis
Med. L. griseum  grey; Mod. L. gularis  throated  < L. gula  throat.


Gray-throated Sunbird (birgitae)
SCI Name: Anthreptes griseigularis birgitae
Ruth Birgit Nielsen (1923-2010) wife of Danish ornithologist Finn Salomonsen (subsp. Anthreptes griseigularis).

Gray-throated Sunbird (griseigularis)
SCI Name: Anthreptes griseigularis griseigularis
griseigulare / griseigularis
Med. L. griseum  grey; Mod. L. gularis  throated  < L. gula  throat.