Thrush-like Wren

Thrush-like Wren / Campylorhynchus turdinus

Thrush-like Wren

Here the details of the Thrush-like Wren named bird below:

SCI Name:  Campylorhynchus turdinus
Protonym:  Opetiorhynchos turdinus ReiseBrasil. 2 p.148
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Troglodytidae /
Taxonomy Code:  thlwre1
Type Locality:  Rio Catole, a tributary of the Rio Pardo, Bahia, Brazil.
Publish Year:  1821
IUCN Status:  


(Troglodytidae; Ϯ Thrush-like Wren C. turdinus) Gr. καμπυλος kampulos  curved, bent  < καμπτω kamptō  to bend; ῥυγχος rhunkhos  bill; "GENUS I. CAMPYLORHYNCHUS.  Turdinus; rostro longiusculo, arcuato, crassiusculo, ad basin latiusculo, versus apicem cylindrico; naribus ovatis, subbasalibus, non obtectis; digito postico reliquis crassiore; alis breviusculis; rictu oris usque ad oculos elongato.   SPECIES 1. CAMPYLORHYNCHUS SCOLOPACEUS.   ...   Habitat in sylvis Rio de Janeiro.   SPECIES 2. CAMPYLORHYNCHUS STRIOLATUS.   ...   Habitat in provincia Bahiae." (von Spix 1824); "Campylorhynchus Spix, 1824, Av. Brasil., 1, p. 77. Type, by subsequent designation, Opetiorhynchus turdinus Wied (G. R. Gray, 1840, List Gen. Birds, p.25. (Not preoccupied by Campylirhynchus "Mergerle", 1821.)" (Paynter in Peters, 1960, IX, p. 379).
Var. KampilorynchusKampylorhynchusCampilorhynchus.
Synon. Buglodytes, Heleodytes, Psalter.

(Pellorneidae; Ϯ Large Wren-babbler T. macrodactylus) Mod. L. turdinus  thrush-like  < L. turdus  thrush; "Macronous  ...  Next to it, I had arranged a bird which has recently been described by Mr. Strickland by the name Malacopteron macrodactylum (Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 1844, p. 417), but I still consider it to merit separation, from the general robustness of its conformation, and the great strength of the tarse and of the middle and hind toes. The bill closely resembles that of Macronous.  I designate it Turdinus, Nobis.  Form somewhat Meruline, thick-set, with large strong legs and toes, and rounded wings and tail.  Bill as long as the head, moderately stout, straight, compressed, the ridge of the upper mandible angulated, its tip emarginated, and curving over that of the lower mandible; nostrils oval, and pierced in the fore-part of the nasal membrane, at some distance from the frontal feathers; rictus well armed: legs stout, the tarse equalling the middle toe with its claw; outer and inner toes equal, and proportionally small, their terminal joint reaching only to the penultimate joint of the middle toe; hind toe strong, and furnished with a rather large claw, but moderately curved: wings much graduated, the fifth to the ninth primaries inclusive subequal and longest, the first about half their length; tail also graduated externally, and hollowed underneath; plumage lax and scale-like, at least on the upper-parts, very copious and puffy over the rump.    T. macrodactylus, (Strickland) Blyth.   ...   Brought from Singapore." (Blyth 1844).
Synon. Cacopitta, Curzonia, Gypsophila, Hadropezus.
● See: Turdinulus

Mod. L. turdinus  thrush-like  < L. turdus  thrush (see turdina).


Thrush-like Wren (hypostictus)
SCI Name: Campylorhynchus turdinus hypostictus
hyposticta / hypostictus
Gr. ὑπο hupo  beneath; στικτος stiktos  spotted  < στιζω stizō  to tattoo.

Thrush-like Wren (turdinus)
SCI Name: Campylorhynchus turdinus turdinus
(Pellorneidae; Ϯ Large Wren-babbler T. macrodactylus) Mod. L. turdinus  thrush-like  < L. turdus  thrush; "Macronous  ...  Next to it, I had arranged a bird which has recently been described by Mr. Strickland by the name Malacopteron macrodactylum (Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 1844, p. 417), but I still consider it to merit separation, from the general robustness of its conformation, and the great strength of the tarse and of the middle and hind toes. The bill closely resembles that of Macronous.  I designate it Turdinus, Nobis.  Form somewhat Meruline, thick-set, with large strong legs and toes, and rounded wings and tail.  Bill as long as the head, moderately stout, straight, compressed, the ridge of the upper mandible angulated, its tip emarginated, and curving over that of the lower mandible; nostrils oval, and pierced in the fore-part of the nasal membrane, at some distance from the frontal feathers; rictus well armed: legs stout, the tarse equalling the middle toe with its claw; outer and inner toes equal, and proportionally small, their terminal joint reaching only to the penultimate joint of the middle toe; hind toe strong, and furnished with a rather large claw, but moderately curved: wings much graduated, the fifth to the ninth primaries inclusive subequal and longest, the first about half their length; tail also graduated externally, and hollowed underneath; plumage lax and scale-like, at least on the upper-parts, very copious and puffy over the rump.    T. macrodactylus, (Strickland) Blyth.   ...   Brought from Singapore." (Blyth 1844).
Synon. Cacopitta, Curzonia, Gypsophila, Hadropezus.
● See: Turdinulus

Thrush-like Wren (unicolor)
SCI Name: Campylorhynchus turdinus unicolor
L. unicolor, unicoloris  plain, uniform, of one colour  < uni-  single-  < unus  one; color, coloris  colour.
● ex “Tanagra unicolor” of Lichtenstein MS (Haplospiza).
● ex “Perroquet Lori unicolore” of Levaillant 1801-1805 (unident.).