Northern Bobwhite

Northern Bobwhite / Colinus virginianus

Northern Bobwhite

Here the details of the Northern Bobwhite named bird below:

SCI Name:  Colinus virginianus
Protonym:  Tetrao virginianus Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.161
Taxonomy:  Galliformes / Odontophoridae /
Taxonomy Code:  norbob
Type Locality:  'America'' = Virginia.
Publish Year:  1758
IUCN Status:  


(Odontophoridae; Ϯ Northern Bobwhite C. virginianus) Nahuatl/Aztec name Zōlin for a quail. Hernandez 1651, has Colinicuiltic, which name was contracted by de Buffon 1770-1783, to “Colin” and early used in North America for the Bobwhites (cf. names Ocōzōlin and Tepēzōlin for a partridge, and Āzōlin for a snipe); "e. Colinus.  Colin.  Schnabel kürzer und mehr gewölbt; Schwanz deutlicher. Sitzen im Gesträuche.  P. mexicana. Caille de la Louisiane. Pl. Enl. 149.  Frisch. t. 113.  Füße und Schnabel blutroth, Kopf schwarz, Kehle weiß, Körper oben braunroth, Schwanz gewellt, unten weißlich, mit schwarzen Strichen." (Goldfuss 1820); "Colinus Goldfuss, Handb. Zool., 2, 1820, p. 220. Type, by monotypy, "Perdix mexicanus, Caille de la Louisiana [sic], pl. Enl. no. 149" = Tetrao virginianus Linné." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 46).
Var. Colina, Colinia.
Synon. Eupsychortyx, Gnathodon, Neortyx, Ortygia, Ortyx.

virginiana / virginianicus / virginianus / virginica / virginicus / virgininus
Virginia colonies, North America, latterly states of Virginia and West Virginia, USA (named after Elizabeth I Queen of England, the 'Virgin Queen'; originally the name applied to the whole of the eastern seaboard of North America between the Carolinas and French Canada).
● ex “Great Horned Owl from Virginia” of Edwards 1743, “Horned Owl” of Ellis 1748, “Bubo virginianus” of Brisson 1760, “Virginian Eagle Owl” of Latham 1781, and “Eagle Owl” of Pennant 1785 (Bubo).
● ex “Virginia Nightingale” of Ray 1713 (syn. Cardinalis cardinalis).
● ex “Whip-poor-will” of Catesby 1731, “Caprimulgus minor americanus” of Kalm 1753-1761, “Tête-chêvre de la Virginie” of Brisson 1760, “Longwinged Goatsucker” of Pennant 1785, and “Virginia Goatsucker” of Latham 1785 (syn. Chordeiles minor).
● "91. TETRAO.  ...  virginianus.  10. T. pedibus nudis, fascia nigra supra & infra oculos, linea verticali linea.  Perdix virginiana. Catesb. car. 3. p. 12. t. 12.  Habitat in America." (Linnaeus 1758) (Colinus).
● ex “Yellow-bellied Grosbeak” of Pennant 1785 (syn. Piranga rubra).
● "93. RALLUS.  ...  virginianus.  10. R. fuscus immaculatus, rostro pedibusque fuscis.  Rallus americanus. Catesb. carol. I. p. 70. t. 70. Briss. av. 5. p. 175.  Habitat in America septentrionaliFeminam præcedentis [Rallus carolinus] esse suspicatur D. Edward." (Linnaeus 1766) (syn. Porzana carolina).
● ex “American Water-Rail” of Edwards 1760, and “Rasle de Virginie” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (syn. Rallus limicola).
● "116. PARUS.  ...  virginianus.  9. P. uropygio luteo, corpore cinereo.  Parus uropygio luteo. Catesb. car. I. p. 58. t. 58.  Parus virginianus. Briss. av. 3. p. 575.  Habitat in America septentrionali." (Linnaeus 1766) (syn. Setophaga coronata).


Northern Bobwhite (Eastern)
SCI Name: Colinus virginianus [virginianus Group]
(Odontophoridae; Ϯ Northern Bobwhite C. virginianus) Nahuatl/Aztec name Zōlin for a quail. Hernandez 1651, has Colinicuiltic, which name was contracted by de Buffon 1770-1783, to “Colin” and early used in North America for the Bobwhites (cf. names Ocōzōlin and Tepēzōlin for a partridge, and Āzōlin for a snipe); "e. Colinus.  Colin.  Schnabel kürzer und mehr gewölbt; Schwanz deutlicher. Sitzen im Gesträuche.  P. mexicana. Caille de la Louisiane. Pl. Enl. 149.  Frisch. t. 113.  Füße und Schnabel blutroth, Kopf schwarz, Kehle weiß, Körper oben braunroth, Schwanz gewellt, unten weißlich, mit schwarzen Strichen." (Goldfuss 1820); "Colinus Goldfuss, Handb. Zool., 2, 1820, p. 220. Type, by monotypy, "Perdix mexicanus, Caille de la Louisiana [sic], pl. Enl. no. 149" = Tetrao virginianus Linné." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 46).
Var. Colina, Colinia.
Synon. Eupsychortyx, Gnathodon, Neortyx, Ortygia, Ortyx.

Northern Bobwhite (graysoni/nigripectus)
SCI Name: Colinus virginianus graysoni/nigripectus
(Odontophoridae; Ϯ Northern Bobwhite C. virginianus) Nahuatl/Aztec name Zōlin for a quail. Hernandez 1651, has Colinicuiltic, which name was contracted by de Buffon 1770-1783, to “Colin” and early used in North America for the Bobwhites (cf. names Ocōzōlin and Tepēzōlin for a partridge, and Āzōlin for a snipe); "e. Colinus.  Colin.  Schnabel kürzer und mehr gewölbt; Schwanz deutlicher. Sitzen im Gesträuche.  P. mexicana. Caille de la Louisiane. Pl. Enl. 149.  Frisch. t. 113.  Füße und Schnabel blutroth, Kopf schwarz, Kehle weiß, Körper oben braunroth, Schwanz gewellt, unten weißlich, mit schwarzen Strichen." (Goldfuss 1820); "Colinus Goldfuss, Handb. Zool., 2, 1820, p. 220. Type, by monotypy, "Perdix mexicanus, Caille de la Louisiana [sic], pl. Enl. no. 149" = Tetrao virginianus Linné." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 46).
Var. Colina, Colinia.
Synon. Eupsychortyx, Gnathodon, Neortyx, Ortygia, Ortyx.

Northern Bobwhite (pectoralis Group)
SCI Name: Colinus virginianus [pectoralis Group]
(Odontophoridae; Ϯ Northern Bobwhite C. virginianus) Nahuatl/Aztec name Zōlin for a quail. Hernandez 1651, has Colinicuiltic, which name was contracted by de Buffon 1770-1783, to “Colin” and early used in North America for the Bobwhites (cf. names Ocōzōlin and Tepēzōlin for a partridge, and Āzōlin for a snipe); "e. Colinus.  Colin.  Schnabel kürzer und mehr gewölbt; Schwanz deutlicher. Sitzen im Gesträuche.  P. mexicana. Caille de la Louisiane. Pl. Enl. 149.  Frisch. t. 113.  Füße und Schnabel blutroth, Kopf schwarz, Kehle weiß, Körper oben braunroth, Schwanz gewellt, unten weißlich, mit schwarzen Strichen." (Goldfuss 1820); "Colinus Goldfuss, Handb. Zool., 2, 1820, p. 220. Type, by monotypy, "Perdix mexicanus, Caille de la Louisiana [sic], pl. Enl. no. 149" = Tetrao virginianus Linné." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 46).
Var. Colina, Colinia.
Synon. Eupsychortyx, Gnathodon, Neortyx, Ortygia, Ortyx.

Northern Bobwhite (Masked)
SCI Name: Colinus virginianus [coyoleos Group]
(Odontophoridae; Ϯ Northern Bobwhite C. virginianus) Nahuatl/Aztec name Zōlin for a quail. Hernandez 1651, has Colinicuiltic, which name was contracted by de Buffon 1770-1783, to “Colin” and early used in North America for the Bobwhites (cf. names Ocōzōlin and Tepēzōlin for a partridge, and Āzōlin for a snipe); "e. Colinus.  Colin.  Schnabel kürzer und mehr gewölbt; Schwanz deutlicher. Sitzen im Gesträuche.  P. mexicana. Caille de la Louisiane. Pl. Enl. 149.  Frisch. t. 113.  Füße und Schnabel blutroth, Kopf schwarz, Kehle weiß, Körper oben braunroth, Schwanz gewellt, unten weißlich, mit schwarzen Strichen." (Goldfuss 1820); "Colinus Goldfuss, Handb. Zool., 2, 1820, p. 220. Type, by monotypy, "Perdix mexicanus, Caille de la Louisiana [sic], pl. Enl. no. 149" = Tetrao virginianus Linné." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 46).
Var. Colina, Colinia.
Synon. Eupsychortyx, Gnathodon, Neortyx, Ortygia, Ortyx.