Inagua Woodstar

Inagua Woodstar / Nesophlox lyrura

Inagua Woodstar

Here the details of the Inagua Woodstar named bird below:

SCI Name:  Nesophlox lyrura
Protonym:  Doricha lyrura Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist.(4), 4 p.111,112
Taxonomy:  Caprimulgiformes / Trochilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  inawoo2
Type Locality:  Inagua Island, Bahamas.
Publish Year:  1869
IUCN Status:  


(Trochilidae; Ϯ Bahama Woodstar N. evelynae) Gr. νησος nēsos  island (= Bahama Is.); φλοξ phlox, φλογος phlogos  flame, fire; "Nesophlox gen. nov. (Trochilidæ).  Type. — Trochilus evelynæ Bourcier.  Similar to Calliphlox Boie, but wing relatively much larger, with outer-most primary not attenuated terminally; adult males with lateral rectrices broadly edged with rufous on inner webs, and adult females with tail more than half as long as wing.  (νησος, island; φλοξ, a flame.)" (Ridgway 1910).

Gr. λυρα lura  lyre; -ουρος -ouros  -tailed  < ουρα oura  tail.