Booted Racket-tail

Booted Racket-tail / Ocreatus underwoodii

Booted Racket-tail

Here the details of the Booted Racket-tail named bird below:

SCI Name:  Ocreatus underwoodii
Protonym:  Ornismya underwoodii LesTrochilidees p.105 pl.37
Taxonomy:  Caprimulgiformes / Trochilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  bortai1
Type Locality:  Brazil? = Bogota
Publish Year:  1832
IUCN Status:  


(Trochilidae; Ϯ Booted Racquet-tail O. underwoodi addae) L. ocreatus  booted, greaved  < ocrea  greave, legging; "4. TROCHILUS (OCREATUS) RUFOCALIGATUS.  Troch. gula et collo superiore fulgentibus metallice viridibus; tarsis densis plumis ferrugineis ocreatis; cauda fusca, rectricibus externis prolongatis angustis latæ tamen spathulæ forma terminatis.   ...  Remark.— Nearly allied to the Ornismya Underwoodii, Less.    5. TROCHILUS (OCREATUS) LIGONICAUDUS.  ...  Remark.— Nearly allied to Trochilus platurus." (Gould 1846); "Ocreatus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 14, 1846, p. 86. Type, by subsequent designation, Trochilus addae Bourcier. (Cory, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 2, no. 1, 1918, p. 259.)" (Peters 1945, V, 113).
Synon. Himalia, Spathura, Steganurus, Uralia.

L. ocreatus  booted, greaved  < ocrea  greave, legging.
● ex “Buse Gantée” of Levaillant 1797, pl. 18 (syn. Buteo lagopus).

underwoodi / underwoodii
● Probably after Thomas Richard Underwood (1772-1835) English watercolourist, geologist; “Un dessin de cet oiseau nous a été remis par M. Underwood, de la part de M. Stokes, auquel nous sommes redevables de cette belle espèce, qui nous est inconnue en nature, mais qui existe dans plusiers cabinets particuliers de Londres.” (Lesson 1832) (Ocreatus).
● Cecil Frank Underwood (1867-1943) English naturalist, collector, taxidermist in Costa Rica 1889-1943 (Selasphorus scintilla x Selasphorus flammula, subsp. Trogon aurantiiventris).


Booted Racket-tail (White-booted)
SCI Name: Ocreatus underwoodii [underwoodii Group]
(Trochilidae; Ϯ Booted Racquet-tail O. underwoodi addae) L. ocreatus  booted, greaved  < ocrea  greave, legging; "4. TROCHILUS (OCREATUS) RUFOCALIGATUS.  Troch. gula et collo superiore fulgentibus metallice viridibus; tarsis densis plumis ferrugineis ocreatis; cauda fusca, rectricibus externis prolongatis angustis latæ tamen spathulæ forma terminatis.   ...  Remark.— Nearly allied to the Ornismya Underwoodii, Less.    5. TROCHILUS (OCREATUS) LIGONICAUDUS.  ...  Remark.— Nearly allied to Trochilus platurus." (Gould 1846); "Ocreatus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 14, 1846, p. 86. Type, by subsequent designation, Trochilus addae Bourcier. (Cory, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 2, no. 1, 1918, p. 259.)" (Peters 1945, V, 113).
Synon. Himalia, Spathura, Steganurus, Uralia.

Booted Racket-tail (Peruvian)
SCI Name: Ocreatus underwoodii peruanus
peruana / peruanum / peruanus / peruvia / peruviana / peruvianus / peruviensis
Peru. Said to be named after Biru, a local Inca encountered by the conquistadores (although the name is also accredited to a Panamanian cazique). Until the early 18th century the Viceroyalty of Peru included all Spanish possessions in South America.
● ex “Geai du Pérou” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 625, and de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Peruvian Jay” of Latham 1781 (syn. Cyanocorax yncas).
● ex “Coq de Roche du Pérou” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 745, and de Buffon 1770-1783 (Rupicola).
● Erroneous TL. Peru (= Brazil) (Tangara).
Erroneous TL. Peru (= Tahiti) (Vini).

Booted Racket-tail (Anna's)
SCI Name: Ocreatus underwoodii annae
● Anne Constance Meinertzhagen née Jackson (1888-1928) British ornithologist, second wife of Col. R. Meinertzhagen (subsp. Ammomanes deserti, subsp. Anthus cinnamomeus, syn. Cisticola juncidis).
● Anna Stejneger née Normann (1852-1914) wife of Norwegian zoologist Dr Leonhard Stejneger (subsp. Artamella viridis).
● Anna Antoinette Weber van Bosse (1852-1942) Dutch botanist, collector in the East Indies 1888-1890, 1899-1900, with her husband Max Carl Wilhelm Weber (Dicaeum).
● Anna Gräfin von Branicka (fl. 1900) wife of Polish ornithologist Ksawery Graf von Branicki (syn. Heliodoxa rubinoides cervinigularis, subsp. Ocreatus underwoodii).
● Female eponym; dedicatee not yet identified (Hartlaub & Finsch 1868, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 5, pl. 2); perhaps after a relative of Hartlaub or Finsch, or of the magnate Godeffroy, or, doubtfully, after Anna Kubary née Yelliott (d. 1937) daughter of US missionary on Ponapé and wife of Polish collector Jan Kubary (Michael Grayson in litt.) (Horornis).
● Anne Tilney Sage née Holmes (1910-1996) US collector, first wife of ornithologist Dean Sage, Jr. (syn. Ithaginis cruentus berezowskii).
● Anna Ivanovna Sushkina née Kulakova (1881-1947) wife of Russian ornithologist Petr Petrovich Sushkin (Björn Bergenholtz and Laurent Raty in litt.) (syn. Leucosticte brandti).

Booted Racket-tail (Adda's)
SCI Name: Ocreatus underwoodii addae
Adda Wilson (fl. 1853) wife of US financier William Savory Wilson resident in Paris. The Richmond Card Index records, “For wife of Thos. B. Wilson, of Phila[delphia].”, followed by a pencilled note, “Something wrong! T. B. Wilson said to have never married!” (subsp. Ocreatus underwoodii).