Black-throated Wattle-eye

Black-throated Wattle-eye / Platysteira peltata

Black-throated Wattle-eye

Here the details of the Black-throated Wattle-eye named bird below:

SCI Name:  Platysteira peltata
Protonym:  Platystira peltata Oefv.Vet.-Akad.Forh. 7 p.105
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Platysteiridae /
Taxonomy Code:  btweye1
Type Locality:  'Caffraria inferiore.'' Type from Umlalazi River, Zululand, Natal, fide Gyldenstolpe, 1934, Ibis, p. 291.
Publish Year:  1850
IUCN Status:  


(Platysteiridae; Ϯ Brown-throated Wattle-eye P. cyanea) Gr. πλατυς platus  broad; στειρα steira  ship’s keel; "PLATYRHYNCHUS COLLARIS et DESMARESTII.  In our description of these two species, we expressed our doubts of their joining well in with the genus Platyrhynchus, since that we have met with several others, and think them sufficiently numerous to form a division by themselves. We therefore now propose the appellation Platysteira, and add the generic characters. The chief differences were before pointed out in the description of the species.  The locality of the specimens described were at the time unknown. We have since received, by the attention of Dr. FERGUSON, P. Desmarestii from the vicinity of the river Gambia.    PLATYSTEIRA, NOBIS.   CHAR. GEN. —Rostrum mediocre, rectum, carinatum, latius quam altum, frontis latitudinem æquans, depressum, apice adunco, tomiis maxillæ pone apicem utrinsecus emarginatis, dilatatis; nares medio rostri, membrana vibrissis plumulisque instructis postice tecti, apertura terminali ovali; rictus amplus, ad basin vibrissis rigidis obtectus.  Alæ mediocres, rotundatæ, remiges, 1mo brevi, 2do, 3tio, 4to, gradatim longioribus; 5to, longissimo.  Cauda subæqualis.  Pedes insessores, graciles, mediocres, digito externo, usque ad secundum, interno, ad primum articulum coalitis.  Acrotarsia scutulata, paratarsia squamis minutis obtectis.   Country, Africa.  Types, Le Priprit of VAILLANT'S Oiseaux d'Afrique, and P. collaris and Desmarestii." (Jardine & Selby 1830); "Platysteira Jardine and Selby, Illustr. Orn.  ii, Addenda, p. 2, 1830. Type, by subsequent designation (Gray, List Gen. Bds.  1st ed. 1840, p. 31), P. melanoptera (Gm.), i.e. P. collaris et desmaresti J. & S. = Muscicapa cyanea P. L. S. Müller." (W. Sclater 1930, 424).
Var. Platystira, Platystera.

L. peltatus  armed with a light shield  < pelta  small light shield  < Gr. πελτη peltē  small rimless shield.


Black-throated Wattle-eye (cryptoleuca)
SCI Name: Platysteira peltata cryptoleuca
Gr. κρυπτος kruptos hidden; λευκος leukos white.

Black-throated Wattle-eye (mentalis)
SCI Name: Platysteira peltata mentalis
mentale / mentalis
Mod. L. mentalis  pertaining to the chin  < French mental of the chin  < L. mentum  chin (cf. Late L. mentalis  of the mind  < L. mens, mentis  mind).
● ex “Langrayen de Viti” of Hombron & Jacquinot 1843 (Artamus).

Black-throated Wattle-eye (peltata)
SCI Name: Platysteira peltata peltata
L. peltatus  armed with a light shield  < pelta  small light shield  < Gr. πελτη peltē  small rimless shield.