Pygmy Flowerpecker

Pygmy Flowerpecker / Dicaeum pygmaeum

Pygmy Flowerpecker

Here the details of the Pygmy Flowerpecker named bird below:

SCI Name:  Dicaeum pygmaeum
Protonym:  Nectarinia pygmea Mem.Acad.Imp.Sci.St.Petersb. 2 p.2 pl.2 ydP
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Dicaeidae /
Taxonomy Code:  pygflo1
Type Locality:  Luzon ; restricted to Manila by Parkes, 1962, Postilla, Yale Univ., no. 67, p. 6.
Publish Year:  1833
IUCN Status:  


(Dicaeidae; Ϯ Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker D. cruentatum) Gr. δικαιον dikaion  supposedly an Indian bird mentioned by Aelianus, but the name probably refers to the scarab beetle Scarabaeus; "LES DICÉES. (DICÆUM. Cuv.) (3).  Ne grimpent pas non plus, et n'ont pas la queue usée; leur bec aigu, arqué, pas plus long que la tête, est déprimé et élargi à sa base. Ils viennent des Indes-Orientales, sont fort petits, et portent généralement de l'écarlate dans leur plumage.   ...   (3) DICÆUM, nom d'un très-petit oiseau des Indes selon Ælien. A ce sous-genre appartiennent certh. erythronotos, Vieill. II, 35. Le C. cruentata, Edw. 81, en est probablement une variété d'âge.  —  C. rubra, Vieill. pl. 54.  —  C. erythropygia, Lath. 2e Supp.  —  C. tæniata, Sonn. IIe Voy. pl. 107, fig. 3.  —  C. cantillans, id. ib. 2." (Cuvier 1817); "Dicaeum Cuvier, 1817, Règne Animal., 1, p. 410. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1840, List Gen. Birds, ed. 1, p. 13), Certhia erythronotum Gmelin = Certhia erythronotos Latham = Certhia cruentata Linnaeus." (Salomonsen in Peters, 1967, XII, p. 174).
Var. DiceaumDiceum, Dicoeum, Decaeum.
Synon. Austrodicaeum, Bournsia, Chilociris, Chromatociris, Cryptociris, Microchelidon, Myzanthe, Pachyglossa, Phenacistes, Polisornis, Psarisoma.

pygmaea / pygmaeum / pygmaeus / pygmea / pygmeum / pygmeus
L. pygmaeus  pygmy  < Gr. πυγμαιος pugmaios  pygmy, of the size of a fist  < πυγμη pugmē   fist.
● ex “Flat-billed Auk” of Latham 1785, and “Pigmy Auk” of Pennant 1785 (Aethia).
● ex “Pygmy Parrakeet” of Latham 1781 (syn. Charmosyna palmarum).
● “73. PLATALEA.  ...  pygmea.  3. P. corpore supra fusco, subtus albo. Mus. Ad. Fr. 2. p. . .  Habitat Surinami.  Magnitudo Passeris.” (Linnaeus 1758) (Calidris).
● ex "Pygmy Curlew" of Pennant 1773, and Latham 1785 (syn. Calidris ferruginea).
● ex “Petit Gobe-mouche tacheté de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 831, fig. 2, “Gobe-moucheron” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Dwarf Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (syn. Myrmotherula brachyura).


Pygmy Flowerpecker (fugaense)
SCI Name: Dicaeum pygmaeum fugaense
fugaenis / fugaense / fugaensis
Fuga I., Babuyan Archipelago, Cagayan, Philippines.

Pygmy Flowerpecker (salomonseni)
SCI Name: Dicaeum pygmaeum salomonseni
Finn Salomonsen (1909–1983) Danish ornithologist, collector in the Arctic, Philippines and New Guinea (syn. Anthus trivialis, subsp. Dicaeum pygmaeum).

Pygmy Flowerpecker (pygmaeum)
SCI Name: Dicaeum pygmaeum pygmaeum
pygmaea / pygmaeum / pygmaeus / pygmea / pygmeum / pygmeus
L. pygmaeus  pygmy  < Gr. πυγμαιος pugmaios  pygmy, of the size of a fist  < πυγμη pugmē   fist.
● ex “Flat-billed Auk” of Latham 1785, and “Pigmy Auk” of Pennant 1785 (Aethia).
● ex “Pygmy Parrakeet” of Latham 1781 (syn. Charmosyna palmarum).
● “73. PLATALEA.  ...  pygmea.  3. P. corpore supra fusco, subtus albo. Mus. Ad. Fr. 2. p. . .  Habitat Surinami.  Magnitudo Passeris.” (Linnaeus 1758) (Calidris).
● ex "Pygmy Curlew" of Pennant 1773, and Latham 1785 (syn. Calidris ferruginea).
● ex “Petit Gobe-mouche tacheté de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 831, fig. 2, “Gobe-moucheron” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Dwarf Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (syn. Myrmotherula brachyura).

Pygmy Flowerpecker (davao)
SCI Name: Dicaeum pygmaeum davao
davao / davaoensis
Davao Province, Mindanao, Philippines.

Pygmy Flowerpecker (palawanorum)
SCI Name: Dicaeum pygmaeum palawanorum
palawana / palawanense / palawanensis / palawanorum / palawanus
Palawan, Philippines.