Fawn-breasted Whistler

Fawn-breasted Whistler / Pachycephala orpheus

Fawn-breasted Whistler

Here the details of the Fawn-breasted Whistler named bird below:

SCI Name:  Pachycephala orpheus
Protonym:  Pachycephala orpheus Contrib.Orn.[Jardine] 2 p.129,130
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Pachycephalidae /
Taxonomy Code:  fabwhi1
Type Locality:  Timor.
Publish Year:  1849
IUCN Status:  


(Pachycephalidae; Ϯ Golden Whistler P. pectoralis) Gr. παχυς pakhus  large, thick; κεφαλη kephalē  head; from the appearance of their large rounded heads the Indomalayan and Australasian whistlers were formerly known as 'thickheads'; "The interval betweeen the present groups and those of the Pari, where we entered on the family [Pipridæ], appears to be filled up by a race of birds peculiar to New Holland, and hitherto uncharacterized, of which the Muscicapa pectoralis, Lath. is the type*. These, uniting many external characters, at least, both of the Berry-Eaters and Flycatchers, exhibit also in general appearance a considerable resemblance to the Pari, and will be found, I conjecture, to be the connecting bond between all these groups.  ...  * Mr. Swainson has lately formed this group into a genus by the name of Pachycephala.  Nov. 1824." (Vigors 1825); "Genus. PACHYCEPHALA*. Swains. MSS.  ... Caput tumidiusculum.  ...  In their general appearance some of the species exhibit a resemblance to the birds of the genus Procnias, Ill., while by the puffed-out appearance of the feathers about the head, we trace an approximation to some of the Linnean Pari.  ...  * παχυς crassus, and κεφαλη caput" (Vigors & Horsfield 1827). 
Var. Pachycephalus
Synon. Alisterornis, Gilbertornis, Hylocharis, Hyloterpe, Lewinornis, Malacolestes, Mattingleya, Musciterpe, Muscitrea, Mutevodia, Pachycilodryas, Psaltricephus, Pucherania, Timixos.

Gr. myth. Orpheus, minstrel son of King Oeagrus of Thrace and the Muse Calliope, and the most celebrated poet and musician who ever lived, whose music enchanted wild beasts and made the rocks and trees dance.
● "95. TURDUS.  ...  Orpheus.  8. T. dorso fusco, pectore rectricibusque lateralibus albidis, alis fascia alba. Brown. jam. 469.  Turdus cinereus minor. Edw. av. 78. t. 78.  Habitat in America.  Cauda longa rotundata. Rectrices extimæ albæ. E terra elevatus cantilena spectatorem rapit in sui admirationem." (Linnaeus 1758) (subsp. Mimus polyglottos).

Gr. myth. Orpheus, the celebrated Thracian minstrel.
● (syn. Hypsipetes Ϯ Brown-eared Bulbul H. amaurotis) "LES ORPHÉES.  ORPHEUS.    1.) L'ORPHÉE OREILLON ROUX. ORPHEUS AMAUROTIS. — Cette espèce a été établie et figurée dans les planches coloriées, nº 497, sous le nom de Turdus amaurotis" (Temminck & Schlegel in Siebold 1848); "Orpheus Temminck and Schlegel, 1848, in Siebold, Fauna Japonica, Aves, pts. 4-8, p. 68. Type, by monotypy, Turdus amaurotis Temminck." (Deignan in Peters 1960, IX, 282).
● (syn. Mimus Ϯ Northern Mockingbird M. polyglottos)  "G. ORPHEUS. Swains. in Zool. Journ. No. 10.   32. Orpheus polyglottos.  Turdus polyglottos Wilson ii. pl. 10. f. 2" (Swainson 1827) (cf. specific name Turdus orpheus Linnaeus, 1758 (= subsp. Mimus polyglottos)).  Var. Orphea, Orphaeus.
● (syn. Mimus Ϯ Galapagos Mockingbird M. parvulus) "Après en avoir éliminé les espèces nominales et celles qui ne lui appartiennent pas, nous scindons le genre Mimus en deux, appliquant aux espèces moins typiques, propres aux îles Galapagos, et se rapprochant des Gobes-Mouches, par le bec court et déprimé, le nom d'Orpheus" (Bonaparte 1854).