Long-billed Murrelet

Long-billed Murrelet / Brachyramphus perdix

Long-billed Murrelet

Here the details of the Long-billed Murrelet named bird below:

SCI Name:  Brachyramphus perdix
Protonym:  Cepphus Perdix Zoogr.Rosso-Asiat. 2 p.351
Taxonomy:  Charadriiformes / Alcidae /
Taxonomy Code:  lobmur
Type Locality:  Bering Sea and Sea of Okhotsk.
Publish Year:  1811
IUCN Status:  


(Alcidae; Ϯ Marbled Murrelet B. marmoratus) Gr. βραχυς brakhus  short; ῥαμφος rhamphos  bill; "3. Gen. Brachyramphus. Nob.  Rostrum capite multo brevius, apice adunco, lateribus fortius compresso. Narium dimidia pars pennulis tecta. Pedes debiliores.   a. Subgen. Apobapton Nob.  Rostrum minus elevatum, angustius.  Spec. 1. Brachyramphus marmoratus Nob. — Uria marmorata Lath.; Cepphus perdix Pall. Zoogr. T. II. p. 351.   Spec. 2. Brachyramphus Wrangelii Nob.  ...  Patria Aleuticae Insulae.   Spec. 3. Brachyramphus brachypterus Nob.  ...  Patria Unalaschka.  Spec. 4. Brachyramphus Kittlitzii Nob.  ...  Patria Kamtschatka." (Brandt 1837); "Brachyramphus M. Brandt, Bull. Sci. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., 2, 1837, col. 346. Type, by subsequent designation, B. marmoratus (Lath.) = Colymbus marmoratus Gmelin. (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 77.)" (Peters, 1934, II, p. 355).
Synon. Apobapton.

(Phasianidae; Ϯ Grey Partridge P. perdix) L. perdix, perdicis  partridge  < Gr. περδιξ perdix, περδικος perdikos  partridge (cf. Gr. myth. Perdix, noted artist and skilled craftsman, nephew of the jealous Daedalus, by whom he was murdered, then metamosphosed into a partridge); "Perdix. Genus 6.  ...  Genus Perdicis.  Le genre du Perdrix  ...  **1. LA PERDRIX GRISE  ...  PERDIX CINEREA" (Brisson 1760): based on "Perdix" or "Perdix cinerea" of many authors; "Perdix Brisson, Orn., 1, 1760, p. 26, 219. Type, by tautonymy, Perdix cinerea Brisson = Tetrao perdix Linné." (Peters 1934, II, 87).
Var. PerdizPerdrix.
Synon. Sacfa, Starna.

L. perdix, perdicis  partridge  < Gr. περδιξ perdix, περδικος perdikos  partridge.
● “Magnitudine Perdicis s. C. Columba minor et probe distincta atque constans species” (Pallas 1811) (Brachyramphus).
● "Rhynchotus perdix ("Molina") Gray (and Mitchell), Gen. Bds., 3, p. [525], 1844—new name for Crypturus perdicarius Kittlitz; Pelzeln, Reise Novara, 1, Vögel, p. 113, 1865—Chile." (Hellmayr & Conover 1942, XIII, 88) (syn. Nothoprocta perdicaria).
● "91. TETRAO.  ...  Perdix.  9. T. pedibus nudis, macula nuda coccinea pone oculos, cauda ferruginea, sterno brunneo. Fn. svec. 172.  Perdix cinerea. Aldr. orn. l. 13. c. 19. Jonst. av. 68. t. 27. f. 1. Will. orn. 119. t. 29. Raj. av. 57. Alb. av. l. p. 25. t. 27.  Habitat in Europæ agrisHyeme habitat intra fossas nivis utraque extremitate apertas." (Linnaeus 1758) (Perdix).