Cream-colored Courser

Cream-colored Courser / Cursorius cursor

Cream-colored Courser

Here the details of the Cream-colored Courser named bird below:

SCI Name:  Cursorius cursor
Protonym:  Charadrius cursor Gen.Syn.BirdsSuppl. p.293
Taxonomy:  Charadriiformes / Glareolidae /
Taxonomy Code:  crccou1
Type Locality:  Kent, England.
Publish Year:  1787
IUCN Status:  


(Glareolidae; Ϯ Cream-coloured Courser C. cursor) Specific name Charadrius cursor Latham 1787; "GENUS LXXV.  CURSORIUS.  Rostrum teretiusculum, apice incurvato, acuto.  Rictus amplissimus.  Nares ovatæ.  Lingua acuta.  Pedes cursorii, tridactyli.   1. europæus.   ...  Charadrius gallicus, Gmel. Syst. i. p. 692.  Coure-vite, Buf. viii. p. 128.—Pl. enl. 795.  Pluvialis morinellus flavescens, Ger. Orn. t. 474.  Cream-coloured Plover, Lath. Syn. v. p. 217. 25.  HABITAT in Europa rarissimus   ...   2. asiaticus.  ...  Charadrius coromandelicus, Gmel. Syst. i. p. 692.  Coure-vite de Coromandel, Buf. viii. p. 129.—Pl. Enl. 892.  Coromandel Plover, Lath. Syn. v. p. 217. 26.   HABITAT in Coromandela" (Latham 1790); "Cursorius Latham, Ind. Orn., 2, 1790, p. 751. Type, by subsequent designation, Charadrius europaeus Latham = Charadrius cursor Latham (Swainson, Zool. Illustr., 2, 1822, text to pl. 106)." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 299). The Cream-coloured Courser was described from a vagrant immature bird shot near Wingham in Kent in 1785.
Var. Cursor.
Synon. Dromius, Microcursorius, Tachydromus.

L. cursor, cursoris  runner  < currere  to run.
● ex “Cream-coloured Plover” of Latham 1785 (Cursorius).
● ex “Traquet Coureur” of Levaillant 1806, pl. 190 (unident.).

(Glareolidae; Ϯ Cream-coloured Courser C. cursor) Specific name Charadrius cursor Latham 1787; "GENUS LXXV.  CURSORIUS.  Rostrum teretiusculum, apice incurvato, acuto.  Rictus amplissimus.  Nares ovatæ.  Lingua acuta.  Pedes cursorii, tridactyli.   1. europæus.   ...  Charadrius gallicus, Gmel. Syst. i. p. 692.  Coure-vite, Buf. viii. p. 128.—Pl. enl. 795.  Pluvialis morinellus flavescens, Ger. Orn. t. 474.  Cream-coloured Plover, Lath. Syn. v. p. 217. 25.  HABITAT in Europa rarissimus   ...   2. asiaticus.  ...  Charadrius coromandelicus, Gmel. Syst. i. p. 692.  Coure-vite de Coromandel, Buf. viii. p. 129.—Pl. Enl. 892.  Coromandel Plover, Lath. Syn. v. p. 217. 26.   HABITAT in Coromandela" (Latham 1790); "Cursorius Latham, Ind. Orn., 2, 1790, p. 751. Type, by subsequent designation, Charadrius europaeus Latham = Charadrius cursor Latham (Swainson, Zool. Illustr., 2, 1822, text to pl. 106)." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 299). The Cream-coloured Courser was described from a vagrant immature bird shot near Wingham in Kent in 1785.
Var. Cursor.
Synon. Dromius, Microcursorius, Tachydromus.


Cream-colored Courser (bogolubovi)
SCI Name: Cursorius cursor bogolubovi
Col. I. A. Bogolyubov (fl. 1884) Russian Army, explorer in Transcaspia 1884 (subsp. Cursorius cursor).

Cream-colored Courser (cursor)
SCI Name: Cursorius cursor cursor
L. cursor, cursoris  runner  < currere  to run.
● ex “Cream-coloured Plover” of Latham 1785 (Cursorius).
● ex “Traquet Coureur” of Levaillant 1806, pl. 190 (unident.).

Cream-colored Courser (exsul)
SCI Name: Cursorius cursor exsul
L. exsul  exile  < ex  out of; solum  country, land (i.e. remote, isolated, insular).