Chinese Penduline-Tit

Chinese Penduline-Tit / Remiz consobrinus

Chinese Penduline-Tit

Here the details of the Chinese Penduline-Tit named bird below:

SCI Name:  Remiz consobrinus
Protonym:  Aegithalus consobrinus Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt1 p.133
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Remizidae /
Taxonomy Code:  chptit1
Type Locality:  Sha-she [= Shasi] , below Ichang, Hupeh, China.
Publish Year:  1870
IUCN Status:  


(Remizidae; Ϯ Eurasian Penduline Tit R. pendulinus) Polish name Remiz for the Eurasian Penduline Tit; the penduline tits are renowned for the construction of their pendulous bottle-shaped nests; "Rodzáy XXXII.  REMIZ.  REMIZ. (*).  Dziób krótki, szczupły, stožkowaty, ostro-kończystyBrzegi gładkie.    153. R. pendulinus. CUV. (Parus pend. GL.) R. rdzawy.. Polska.   ...   (*) Pán Cuvier utworzył ten rodzáy na słusznych zasadach; a Polskie gatunkowe nazwisko tak w łacińskiéy jak francuzkiéy terminologii zrobił nazwiskiem rodzaiowéin.  Do tego rodzaiu náležy kilka gatunków z jnnych części świata; lecz tych nié má w tuteyszym zbiorze." (Jarocki 1819); "Remiz Jarocki, 1819, Ptaków w Gab. Zool. Król. Warszawa Univ., p. 21. Type, by monotypy, Remiz pendulinus Cuvier = Motacilla pendulinus Linnaeus." (Snow in Peters 1967, XII, 62). 
Var. Remiza, Remizus.
Synon. Aegithalus, Parcoraeus, Paroides, Pendulinus, Struthus.

L. consobrinus  cousin  < cum (old form com)  together with; sobrinus  male cousin on the mother's side  < soror, sororis  sister (originally of the children of two sisters).
● "This species is nearly allied to P. columbianus, Cab., [= subsp. Philydor rufum], and P. panerythrus, mihi [= subsp. Philydor rufum] ...This bird is also not unlike P. turdinus [= subsp. Automolus ochrolaemus] of Von Pelzeln" (P. Sclater 1870) (subsp. Cryptomolus rufipileatus).
● "With a general resemblance to Hylophylax naevia (Gmelin)" (Todd 1913) (subsp. Hylophylax naevius).
● "♀. Allied to Oriolus xanthonotus, but differs in having the head, sides of the face, and ear-coverts smoky cinereous" (Wardlaw Ramsay 1880) (subsp. Oriolus xanthonotus).
● "1.  Thryothorus consobrinus n. sp.  Diese neue Art steht dem Th. genibarbis Sw. am nächsten, von welchem sie in folgenden Merkmalen abweicht: Der Rücken ist lebhafter rostfarbig; die Grundfarbe des Schwanzes ist rostroth (bei Th. genibarbis bräunlich grau); die Kehle ist weiss, mit lehmgelbem Anflug; der Kropf, die Brust und der Bauch sind gelblich fahlbraun, an den Seiten mit dunkelgrauem Anflug." (von Madarász) (subsp. Pheugopedius mystacalis).
● "This race is somewhat intermediate between P. oregonus [= subsp. Pipilo maculatus] and P. carmani [= syn. Pipilo maculatus socorroensis], but seems to be most like the latter" (Ridgway 1876) (‡subsp. Pipilo maculatus).
● “I consider the discovery of this species most interesting, as affording a case analogous to that of Cyanopica, which appears restricted to Spain and Portugal in Europe and then turns up in China about the Yangtze and northwards, extending to Japan, in a somewhat modified form. The Penduline Tit occurs only in South Europe; and we find it again rather changed on the banks of the Yangtze 850 miles from the sea” (Swinhoe 1879) (Remiz).
● see consobrina