Bush Wren

Bush Wren / Xenicus longipes

Bush Wren

Here the details of the Bush Wren named bird below:

SCI Name:  Xenicus longipes
Protonym:  Motacilla longipes Syst.Nat. 1 pt2 p.979
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Acanthisittidae /
Taxonomy Code:  buswre1
Type Locality:  'Nova Seelandia''; type from Dusky Sound, South Island, New Zealand, fide Oliver, 1955, New Zealand Birds, ed. 2, p. 453.
Publish Year:  1789
IUCN Status:  


(Acanthisittidae; Ϯ Bush Wren X. longipes) Gr. ξενικος xenikos  different, strange  < ξενος xenos  stranger; "484. XENICUS, G. R. Gr. 1853.  Acanthisitta, p. G. R. Gr. (Motacilla longipes, Gm.)" (G. Gray 1855). The extremely rare, probably now extinct, Bush Wren was originally considered to be an aberrant warbler; its congener, the Rock Wren X. gilviventris, is an endangered species.
Synon. Pachyplichas, Xenicornis.

Gr. ξενικος xenikos  different, strange  < ξενος xenos  stranger.

L. longipes, longipedis  long-footed  < longus  long; pes, pedis  foot  < Gr. πους pous, ποδος podos  foot.
● ex “Long-legged Warbler” of Latham 1783 (‡Xenicus).


Bush Wren (stokesii)
SCI Name: Xenicus longipes stokesii
● Eponym; "TROCHILUS STOKESII.  ...  Habitat in insulâ Juan Fernandez." (King 1831, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, I (iii), 30); after either (1) Charles Stokes (1783-1853) English stockbroker, naturalist, geologist, collector, or (2) Capt. Pringle Stokes (d. 1828) Royal Navy, who committed suicide during a survey of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego in HMS Beagle - "perhaps the stigma attached to suicide at that time prevented King from openly stating his etymology" (Beolens et al. 2014) (syn. Sephanoides fernandensis).
● Adm. John Lort Stokes (1812-1885) Royal Navy, hydrographer on HMS Beagle 1831-1836, surveys of Australia 1837-1843, New Zealand 1847-1851 (‡syn. Xenicus longipes).

Bush Wren (longipes)
SCI Name: Xenicus longipes longipes
L. longipes, longipedis  long-footed  < longus  long; pes, pedis  foot  < Gr. πους pous, ποδος podos  foot.
● ex “Long-legged Warbler” of Latham 1783 (‡Xenicus).

Bush Wren (variabilis)
SCI Name: Xenicus longipes variabilis
L. variabilis variable, changeable.
● ex “Spur-winged Water Hen” of Edwards 1743, and “Jacana” of Brisson 1760 (syn. Jacana spinosa).
● ex “Variable Tanager” of Latham 1783 (unident.).