North Island Brown Kiwi

North Island Brown Kiwi / Apteryx mantelli

North Island Brown Kiwi

Here the details of the North Island Brown Kiwi named bird below:

SCI Name:  Apteryx mantelli
Protonym:  Apteryx Mantelli Proc.Zool.Soc.London(1850) (1850), Pt18 no.218 p.275 pl.30 fig.3,4 pl.31 fig.2
Taxonomy:  Apterygiformes / Apterygidae /
Taxonomy Code:  nibkiw1
Type Locality:  North Island.
Publish Year:  1852
IUCN Status:  


(Apterygidae; Ϯ Brown Kiwi A. australis) Gr. negative prefix α- a- ; πτερυξ pterux, πτερυγος pterugos  wing (cf. απτερυγος apterugos  without wings); "APTERYX AUSTRALIS  ...  Alæ rudimenta tantum, monodactyla, subuncialia, unguiculo terminali.  ...  SOUTHERN APTERYX  ...  Wings rudiments only, consisting of a single joint or finger, about an inch in length, and terminated by a small claw or spur  ...  This curious bird is a native of New Zealand" (Shaw 1813); "Apteryx Shaw, Nat. Miscell., 24, 1813, pl. 1057, 1058. Type, by monotypy, Apteryx australis Shaw." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 11).
Var. Apterix, Apternyx.
Synon. Kiwi, Stictapteryx.

Walter Baldock Durant Mantell (1820-1895) British amateur geologist, naturalist, settled in New Zealand 1840, founder and secretary of the New Zealand Institute (Apteryx, ‡Porphyrio).