Ground Tit

Ground Tit / Pseudopodoces humilis

Ground Tit

Here the details of the Ground Tit named bird below:

SCI Name:  Pseudopodoces humilis
Protonym:  Podoces humilis Ibis p.408
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Paridae /
Taxonomy Code:  grotit1
Type Locality:  no locality [= ''only seen above Kitchik-Yilak'' (= Sinkiang near the Sanju Pass); see Henderson and Hume, 1873, Lahore to Yarkand, p. 247].
Publish Year:  1871
IUCN Status:  


(Paridae; Ϯ Ground Tit P. humilis) Gr. ψευδος pseudos  false; genus Podoces Fischer, 1821, ground jay; "Die Untersuchung der Repräsentanten der Familie Podoces überzeugte uns, dass dieselben naturgemäss in drei Gruppe, welche die Bedeutung von subgenera haben, eingeteilt werden müssen.  ... [Key] 2. In der Befiederung kommt keine schwarze Farbe vor. Die Flügel ohne weisse Querbinden.   Pseudopodoces [subgen. nov.] { P. humilis. Hume" (Zarudny & von Loudon 1902); "Pseudopodoces Zarudny and Loudon, 1902, Orn. Monatsb., 10  p. 185. Type, by original designation and monotypy, Podoces humilis Hume." (Vaurie in Peters 1962, XV, 255) (see Eopodoces). The Ground Tit, under the name Hume’s Ground Jay, was originally considered the smallest corvid in the world.

L. humilis  lowly, small, humble, on the ground, of the plain  < humus, humi  ground.