Yellow-billed Chough

Yellow-billed Chough / Pyrrhocorax graculus

Yellow-billed Chough

Here the details of the Yellow-billed Chough named bird below:

SCI Name:  Pyrrhocorax graculus
Protonym:  Corvus Graculus Syst.Nat.ed.12 ed.12 p.158
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Corvidae /
Taxonomy Code:  yebcho1
Type Locality:  Swiss Alps.
Publish Year:  1766
IUCN Status:  


(Corvidae; Ϯ Red-billed Chough P. pyrrhocorax) Specific name Upupa pyrrhocorax Linnaeus, 1758; "Pyrrhocorax.  Coracias.  Cornish Chough or Daw.  le Coracias ou Choucas rouge" (Tunstall 1771 (1880 repr.)); "Pyrrhocorax Tunstall, 1771, Orn. Brit., p. 2. Type, by monotypy, "Cornish Chough," i.e., Upupa pyrrhocorax Linnaeus." (Vaurie in Peters 1962, XV, 258).   
Synon. Coracia, Cornix, Cravus, Fregilus, Graculus, Hellmayria, Monedula.
● (artefact) ex “Sicrin” of Levaillant 1801, pl. 82.

L. pyrrhocorax, pyrrhocoracis  chough  < Gr. πυρρος purrhos  flame-coloured, red  < πυρ pur, πυρος puros  fire; κοραξ korax, κορακος korakos  raven  < κρωζω krōzō  to croak; "58. UPUPA.  ...  Pyrrhocorax.  4. U. atra, rostro pedibusque rubris.  Monedula Pyrrhocorax. Hasselq. iter. 238.  Coracias s. Pyrrhocorax. Aldr. orn. l. 12. c. 8. Will. orn. 86. l. 19. Raj. av. 40. n. 6. Alb. av. 2. p. 23. t. 24.  Habitat in Angliæ, Ægypti maritimis." (Linnaeus 1758); “There has been some doubt about the correct names for the Cornish and Alpine Choughs. In the 10th edition of Linnaeus, Upupa pyrrhocorax is described, and although references covering both the Cornish and Alpine Choughs are given, the description “rostro pedibusque rubris” can only refer to the Cornish bird. In 1766, in the 12th edition, Linnaeus seems to have altogether overlooked the Cornish Chough, as the descriptions of Corvus pyrrhocorax and C. graculus both seem to refer to the Alpine Chough, and as the first of these names is preoccupied by his description of the Cornish Chough in the 1758 edition, we must accept Corvus graculus for the Alpine Chough and C. pyrrhocorax for the Cornish Chough as the correct names” (BOU 1915) (Pyrrhocorax).
● Cabanis 1853, Mus. Heineanum, I, p. 228, erroneously lists "Fregilus pyrrhocorax Sws. Nat. Hist. Birds II. p. 268", as a synonym of Corcorax melanorhamphus; "SUBFAM. FRIGILINÆ.*  ...  F. pyrrhocorax. Pl. Enl. 531.  erythropus. Pl. Enl. 255.   *This subfamily at present contains but two European birds, which appear to be types of as many genera; the above characters are more strictly applicable to the first." (Swainson 1837).  Plate 531 of the Planches enluminées is of the "Choucas des Alpes," the Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus.

L. graculus  unknown bird, identified with the Jackdaw (cf. Med. L. graculus  Rook or Jay).
● ex “Picucule de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 621 (syn. Dendrocolaptes certhia).
● ex “Graculus palmipes aristotelis” or “Corvus aquaticus minor” of Aldrovandus 1599-1603, Willughby 1676 and Ray 1713, “Cormoran” of Dodart 1671-1676, and “Phalacrocorax minor” of Brisson 1760 (syn. Phalacrocorax aristotelis).

• (Phalacrocoracidae; syn. Gulosus  European Shag G. aristotelis) Specific name Pelecanus Graculus Linnaeus, 1766 (= syn. Phalacrocorax aristotelis); "GRACULUS Linn. *  ...  8. G. cristatus (Fabr.) - Carbo Graculus Temm.  ...  * This division was originally proposed by Linnæus (Systema Naturæ) in 1735, under the above appellation.  In 1760, Brisson used Phalacrocorax; Lacépède, between 1800 and 1801, employed Carbo; and, in 1811, Illiger proposed Halieus.  All these were founded on the same set of birds" (G. Gray 1845); "d. *Graculus Aldr. Linn.  cristatus (Pelec. —  Fabr.) Gray" (Reichenbach 1853 (see Gripeus)).
• (Corvidae; syn. Pyrrhocorax Red-billed Chough P. pyrrhocorax) Specific name Corvus Graculus Linnaeus, 1758; "XIII. Gattung. Krähe. Graculus.  ...  Aeußere Gestalt, Bau der Füße, und Art der Ernährung hat der hierher gehörige Vogel ganz mit der Gattung Pyrrhocorax gemein.   18. Stein-Krähe. Graculus Eremita.  Schwarz, Schnabel und Füße roth.  Corvus Graculus. Gm. Linn. S. I. p. 377. n. 18.  Corvus Eremita. Daselbst. p. 377. n. 19" (Koch 1816).
Var. Gracculus.
• see  Graculaea
see  Graucalus

(Sturnidae; syn. Acridotheres Common Mynah A. tristis) L. graculus or gracula unknown bird, identified with the Jackdaw (cf. Med. L. graculus  Rook or Jay); "RODZÀY V. (78.)  SCZEBIOT.  GRACULAEA.  Martin. Fran.  ...  n. p. Gracula tristis. LATH.   Ten rodzày obeymuie przeszlo dziesiec gatunków, które dotad (niewiedziec dlá jakich przyczyn) blakaia sie u dawniéyszych Systematyków w rodzaiach Gracula, Paradisea, Sturnus, Turdus, a nawet i w rodzaiu Certhia" (Jarocki 1821); "Graculaea Jarocki, 1821, Zoologiia, II, p. 126.  Type, by monotypy, Gracula tristis Lath., i.e. Paradisea tristis Linnaeus, 1766." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Graculus.


Yellow-billed Chough (graculus)
SCI Name: Pyrrhocorax graculus graculus
L. graculus  unknown bird, identified with the Jackdaw (cf. Med. L. graculus  Rook or Jay).
● ex “Picucule de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 621 (syn. Dendrocolaptes certhia).
● ex “Graculus palmipes aristotelis” or “Corvus aquaticus minor” of Aldrovandus 1599-1603, Willughby 1676 and Ray 1713, “Cormoran” of Dodart 1671-1676, and “Phalacrocorax minor” of Brisson 1760 (syn. Phalacrocorax aristotelis).

Yellow-billed Chough (digitatus)
SCI Name: Pyrrhocorax graculus digitatus
digitata / digitatus
L. digitatus having fingers or toes < digitus finger, toe.