Ruddy Turnstone

Ruddy Turnstone / Arenaria interpres

Ruddy Turnstone

Here the details of the Ruddy Turnstone named bird below:

SCI Name:  Arenaria interpres
Protonym:  Tringa Interpres Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.148
Taxonomy:  Charadriiformes / Scolopacidae /
Taxonomy Code:  rudtur
Type Locality:  Europe and North America, restricted type locality, Gotland, Sweden.
Publish Year:  1758
IUCN Status:  


(Scolopacidae; Ϯ Ruddy Turnstone A. interpres) L. arenarius  relating to sand  < arena (properly harena)  sand; "Arenaria. Genus 72.  ...  **1. LE COULON-CHAUD.  ...  ARENARIA.  ...On le trouve sur les bords de la mer" (Brisson 1760): based on "Morinellus marinus" of Willughby 1676, and Ray 1713, "Tringa nigro" of Linnaeus 1746, "Tringa maritima" of Linnaeus 1748, "Gavia" or "Pluvialis Arenaria" of Klein 1750, "Cinclus" of Möhring 1752, "Turn-Stone from Hudson's-Bay" of Edwards 1753, and Tringa Interpres Linnaeus, 1758; "Arenaria Brisson, Orn., 1760, 1, p. 48; 5, p. 132. Type, by tautonymy, Arenaria Brisson = Tringa interpres Linné." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 271).
Synon. Cinclus, Morinella, Strepsilas.
● (Scolopacidaesyn. Calidris Ϯ Sanderling C. alba) Specific name Tringa arenaria Linnaeus, 1766; "LXV. b)  Gattung. Sandläufer. Arenaria *).  Schnabel: Wie bey der Strandläufergattung.  Füße: Eben so, nur ohne Hinterzehe.  † 1. Gemeiner Sandläufer (A. vulgaris, mihi,)  ...  Namen: Strandläufer, Sandregerlein.  Tringa arenaria. Linn. l. c. p. 680. N. 16.  Charadrius Calidris. ——  —— p. 689. N. 9.  Bechstein, N. G. D. III. S. 194.  Albini av. II. p. 48. T. 74." (Bechstein 1803);  "Arenaria (not of Brisson, 1760) Bechstein, Orn. Taschenb., 2, p. 462a, 1803—type, by monotypy, Arenaria vulgaris Bechstein = Tringa arenaria Linnaeus [1766 = Trynga alba Pallas 1764]." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (3), p. 169).
Var. Prenaria.

arenaria / arenarius
L. arenarius  of sand (e.g. inhabiting sand), relating to sand (e.g. sand coloured)  < arena (properly harena)  sand.
● ex “Arenaria” of Willughby 1676, Ray 1713, and Albin 1731, and “Calidris grisea minor” of Brisson 1760 (syn. Calidris alba).
● ex “Aguimp” or “Lavandière Pie” of Levaillant 1805, pl. 178 (syn. Motacilla aguimp).

L. interpres, interpretis  messenger, interpreter  < inter  among, between; pretium  value, reward  < Sanskrit root  prath-  to spread abroad.
● Linnaeus, on his visit to Gotland in 1741, mistakenly received the impression that the name Tolk was applied to the Ruddy Turnstone. In standard Swedish tolk means translator or interpreter. However, the Gotland dialect name Tolk stalk (legs), refers to the Common Redshank (Tommy Tyrberg in litt.); "78. TRINGA.  ...  Interpres.  4. T. pedibus rubris, corpore nigro albo ferrugineoque vario, pectore abdomineque albo. It. gottl. 217. Fn. svec. 154.  Morinellus canadensis. Edw. av. 141. t. 141.  Habitat in Europa & America septentrionali.” (Linnaeus 1758) (Arenaria).
● The “Merle messager” of Temminck 1828; alluding to the black and white uniforms and red caps of postmen of the period (Geokichla).


Ruddy Turnstone (interpres)
SCI Name: Arenaria interpres interpres
L. interpres, interpretis  messenger, interpreter  < inter  among, between; pretium  value, reward  < Sanskrit root  prath-  to spread abroad.
● Linnaeus, on his visit to Gotland in 1741, mistakenly received the impression that the name Tolk was applied to the Ruddy Turnstone. In standard Swedish tolk means translator or interpreter. However, the Gotland dialect name Tolk stalk (legs), refers to the Common Redshank (Tommy Tyrberg in litt.); "78. TRINGA.  ...  Interpres.  4. T. pedibus rubris, corpore nigro albo ferrugineoque vario, pectore abdomineque albo. It. gottl. 217. Fn. svec. 154.  Morinellus canadensis. Edw. av. 141. t. 141.  Habitat in Europa & America septentrionali.” (Linnaeus 1758) (Arenaria).
● The “Merle messager” of Temminck 1828; alluding to the black and white uniforms and red caps of postmen of the period (Geokichla).

Ruddy Turnstone (morinella)
SCI Name: Arenaria interpres morinella
Mod. L. morinellus marinus sea dotterel, a name given to the Ruddy Turnstone by Browne 1671.
● ex “Turn-stone” or “Sea-dottrel” of Catesby 1731, and “Arenaria cinerea” of Brisson 1760 (subsp. Arenaria interpres).