Blue-rumped Parrot

Blue-rumped Parrot / Psittinus cyanurus

Blue-rumped Parrot

Here the details of the Blue-rumped Parrot named bird below:

SCI Name:  Psittinus cyanurus
Protonym:  Psittacus cyanurus FaunulaIndica.ed.2 p.6
Taxonomy:  Psittaciformes / Psittaculidae /
Taxonomy Code:  blrpar1
Type Locality:  Malacca, ex Latham, Gen. Syn., Suppl., 1, p. 66.
Publish Year:  1795
IUCN Status:  


(Psittacidae; Ϯ Blue-rumped Parrot P. cyanurus) Mod. L. psittina  little parrot  < psittinus  parrot-like  < L. psittacus  parrot  < Gr. ψιττακος psittakos  parrot; "Psittinus (Nobis) Malaccensis: Psittacus Malaccensis, Latham, but not of Gmelin; le petit Perruche de Malacca, Sonnerat.  This bird cannot be arranged in Psittacula of Kuhl, where generally located, if P. galgulus is to be regarded as typical of that division; but, though having a short tail, the rest of its structure places it in immediate proximity with Palæornis, while a further token of this affinity exists in the maronne wing-spot, seen also in Pal. Alexandrinus, schisticeps, and Bengalensis." (Blyth 1842); "Psittinus Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 11, 1842, pt. 2, p. 789. Type, by monotypy, Psittacus malaccensis Latham, not of Gmelin = Psittacus cyanurus J. R. Forster." (Peters 1937, III, 253).
Synon. Dichrognathus.
● (syn. Psittacula Ϯ Red-breasted Parakeet P. alexandri) "Palaeornis, Vig. (Psittinus, Blyth.)   PSITTACUS alexandri, L." (Bonaparte 1850).

Gr. κυανος kuanos dark-blue; -ουρος -ouros -tailed  < ουρα oura  tail.
● ex “Blue fork-tailed Humming-bird” of Latham 1822 (syn. Aglaiocercus kingi).
● ex “Blue-rumped Parrakeet” of Latham 1787 (Psittinus).
● ex “Héoro-taire bleu” of Audebert & Vieillot 1802 (?syn. Zosterops lateralis).
● ex “Avis yayauquitototl” of Seba 1734-1754, “Polytmus mexicanus longicaudus” of Brisson 1760, “Brin bleu” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Blue-tailed Humming-bird” of Latham 1782 (unident.).

Gr. κυανος kuanos  dark-blue; ουρα oura  tail.
• (Corvidae; syn. Cyanocorax † White-throated Magpie Jay C. formosus) "817. Cyanurus, Bp. ex Sw. (Cyanocorax, p. Boie. - Calocitta hinc Psilorhinus, p. Gr.) Rostrum nigrum: cauda longissima.  Am. s. As. or.  4.   a. Americani.  1. PICA bullocki, Wagl. 1827. (miles, Licht. - formosa, Sw. 1827. - gubernatrix, Temm. - Psilorhinus gubernatrix, Gr.) Pl. col. 436.  ex Mexico or. Vera-Cruz.   ...   2. PICA colliei, Vig. (Garrulus ultramarinus, Aud. nec Bp. G. bullocki, Aud. nec Wagl. - G. burneti, errore burnetti, berneti et bennetti, J. Gr. - Psilorhinus bullocki, Gr.) Zool. Beach. Voy. t. 7. - Aud. Am. t. 96. - Quarto edit. t. 229. ex Mexico occ. California." (Bonaparte 1850); "Cyanurus (not of Swainson, 1832) Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., 1, p. 380, 1850—type, by subs. desig. (Sharpe, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 3, p. 88, 1877), Pica formosa Swainson." (Hellmayr, 1934, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VII, p. 11).
• (Corvidae; syn. Cyanocorax Plush-crested Jay C. chrysops) "Genus, CYANURUS.  ... Examples. - 1. C. cristatus.  2. Stelleri.  3. sordidus, Sw.  4. Floridanus, BON.  5. coronatus, Sw. Syn.  6. cyanopogon (Pl. col. 169).  7. pileatus (Ill. 58).  8. azureus (Ill. 168)  9. formosus (Pica formosa, Sw. Syn.)  10. cristatellus (Pl. col. 193), &c.  OBS. - This group is distinguished from the European and North Asiatic Jays by the upper mandible not being abruptly bent at the tip, or very distinctly notched, by the under being weaker, and by the powerful structure of the feet. The two outer toes also are almost equal. The first three species are aberrant, connecting this and the last group [Dysornithia]. The typical species are found only in the tropics of America and India" (Swainson 1832); "The genera Psilorhinus and Cissa, with Cyanocorax of South America, form a little group by themselves; and I consider that Mr. Strickland was quite justified in separating from the last the blue Jays of North America, which constitute his Cyanocitta, An. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 1845, p. 260; but as Corvus cristatus, Lin. is the type of Mr. Swainson's Cyanurus, I conceive that this must take precedence of Cyanocitta, Strickland" (Blyth 1846); "The type of the genus Cyanocitta of Strickland is Garrulus cristatus, Linn. as stated in precise terms by the founder of the genus  ... Again, the type of Cyanurus, Sw., is not Garrulus cristatus  ... This error was caused by Mr. G. R. Gray's [1855] unauthorized assumption that the first species in any author's list must necessarily be his type. But Swainson himself tells us that the first three species which he mentions (i.e. C. cristatus, C. stelleri, and C. sordidus) are "aberrant," and that the "typical" species are only found in the "tropics of America and India." It is obvious therefore that Cyanurus, Sw. (1831) = Cyanocorax, Boie (1826) as stated by Strickland l.s.c., and that Cyanocitta is the proper generic name for the "Blue Jays" of America" (P. Sclater & Salvin 1876); "Cyanurus Swainson, in Richardson, Faun. Bor.-Amer., 2, p. 495, Feb., 1832— no type designated. 2  ...   2 No valid type appears to have been designated for this genus.  ... Though, by common consent, Cyanurus has been regarded as synonymous with Cyanocorax, it seems advisable to formally propose a genotype to set this name at rest, and we suggest as such Corvus pileatus "Ill." = Pica chrysops Vieillot." (Hellmayr, 1934, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VII, p. 17).


Blue-rumped Parrot (Blue-rumped)
SCI Name: Psittinus cyanurus cyanurus/pontius
(Psittacidae; Ϯ Blue-rumped Parrot P. cyanurus) Mod. L. psittina  little parrot  < psittinus  parrot-like  < L. psittacus  parrot  < Gr. ψιττακος psittakos  parrot; "Psittinus (Nobis) Malaccensis: Psittacus Malaccensis, Latham, but not of Gmelin; le petit Perruche de Malacca, Sonnerat.  This bird cannot be arranged in Psittacula of Kuhl, where generally located, if P. galgulus is to be regarded as typical of that division; but, though having a short tail, the rest of its structure places it in immediate proximity with Palæornis, while a further token of this affinity exists in the maronne wing-spot, seen also in Pal. Alexandrinus, schisticeps, and Bengalensis." (Blyth 1842); "Psittinus Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 11, 1842, pt. 2, p. 789. Type, by monotypy, Psittacus malaccensis Latham, not of Gmelin = Psittacus cyanurus J. R. Forster." (Peters 1937, III, 253).
Synon. Dichrognathus.
● (syn. Psittacula Ϯ Red-breasted Parakeet P. alexandri) "Palaeornis, Vig. (Psittinus, Blyth.)   PSITTACUS alexandri, L." (Bonaparte 1850).

Blue-rumped Parrot (Simeulue)
SCI Name: Psittinus cyanurus abbotti
● Dr William Louis Abbott (1860-1936) US surgeon, explorer, ethnologist, naturalist who collected widely around the world 1883-1923 (syn. Brachypodius atriceps baweanus, syn. Butorides striata javanica, subsp. Cacatua sulphurea, ‡subsp. Calyptophilus frugivorusCelebesica, syn. Chlorophoneus multicolor, subsp. Cinnyris souimanga, syn. Coccyzus minor, subsp. Cyanecula svecica, ‡subsp. Dryolimnas cuvieri, syn. Hirundo tahitica javanica, subsp. Hypothymis azurea, syn. Kittacincla malabarica tricolor, syn. Lybius leucocephalus albicauda, subsp. Megapodius nicobariensis, subsp. Nesoctites micromegas, subsp. Nyctibius jamaicensis, Papasula, syn. Phodilus badius, subsp. Pitta sordida, subsp. Psittacula alexandri, Psittinus, subsp. Spilornis cheela, syn. Streptopelia picturata rostrata, subsp. Threskiornis bernieri, syn. Treron vernans).
● Lt.-Col. John Richard Abbott (1811-1888) British Army, Assistant-Commissioner of the Arakan, Burma 1837-1845 (Malacocincla).
● Dr Charles Greeley Abbott (1872-1973) US astrophysicist, solar researcher, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1928-1944, Secretary Emeritus 1944-1973 (syn. Tychaedon coryphoeus).