Amsterdam Duck

Amsterdam Duck

Here the details of the Amsterdam Duck named bird below:

SCI Name:  Mareca marecula
Protonym:   Condor 98 p.1-9
Taxonomy:  Anseriformes / Anatidae /
Taxonomy Code:  amsduc1
Type Locality:  
Publish Year:  1996
IUCN Status:  


(Anatidae; Ϯ Eurasian Wigeon M. penelope) Brazilian Portuguese name Marréco (or Mareca according to Marcgrave 1648) for the smaller kinds of duck (cf. Roman myth. Marica, a river- or water-nymph); "MARECA.  WIGEON.   Generic CharacterRostrum breve, basi inerme, subcylindricum, sublineare, apice ungue parvo instructo; mandibulæ lateribus  dentato-subserratis.  Nares parvæ, basales, ovales. Cauda brevis, acuta, rectricibus plerumque quatuor-decim ornatis.  ...  PENELOPE Antiquorum.  THE Wigeons have the beak rather broader and less elevated at the base than the Teals: it is also shorter than in the last-mentioned: in other respects the two genera are similar, but the individuals comprised in the present are usually much larger than the Teals, which are amongst the smallest of the Anatidæ. Wigeons have a peculiar whistling note, unlike that of any other Duck. The name Penelope having been used, by Linné, for another genus, I have adopted the appellation given to some of the species by the illustrious Ray.   COMMON WIGEON. (Mareca fistularis.)  ...  BLACK-TAILED WIGEON. (Mareca melanura.)  ...  SPOTTED-BILLED WIGEON. (Mareca pæcilorhyncha.)  ...  AMERICAN WIGEON. (Mareca Americana.)  ...  ILATHERA WIGEON. (Mareca Bahamensis.)  ...  MARECA WIGEON. (Mareca Brasiliensis.)  ...  CAPE WIGEON. (Mareca Capensis.)  ...  BIMACULATED WIGEON? (Mareca? glocitans.)" (Stephens 1824); "Mareca Stephens, in Shaw, Gen. Zoöl., 12, pt. 2, 1824, p. 130. Type, by subsequent designation, Mareca fistularis Stephens = Anas penelope Linné. (Eyton, Monogr. Anat., 1838, p. 33.)" (Peters 1931, I, 167).
Var. Marica, Marcia.
Synon. AnatraChaulelasmus, Chauliodus, Eunetta, Ktinorhynchus, Penelops.

Brazilian Portuguese name Marréco (or Mareca according to Marcgrave 1648) for the smaller kinds of duck.
● ex “Mareca alia species” of Marcgrave 1648 (syn. Amazonetta brasiliensis).

Mod. L. marecula  little wigeon  < dim. genus Mareca Stephens, 1824, wigeon (‡Anas).