Striped Crake

Striped Crake / Amaurornis marginalis

Striped Crake

Here the details of the Striped Crake named bird below:

SCI Name:  Amaurornis marginalis
Protonym:  Porzana marginalis Syst.Orn.Westafr. p.241
Taxonomy:  Gruiformes / Rallidae /
Taxonomy Code:  strcra1
Type Locality:  Gaboon.
Publish Year:  1857
IUCN Status:  


(Rallidae; Philippine Bush-hen A. olivacea) Gr. αμαυρος amauros  dark; ορνις ornis, ορνιθος ornithos  bird; "Genera et Species typicae.  ...  *Amaurornis Rchb.  olivacea (Gallin. — Meyen). Ic. Av. t. 192. ic. 1112—13." (Reichenbach 1853); "Amaurornis Reichenbach, Nat. Syst. Vög. p. xxi, 1852 (1853).  Type (by original designation): Gallinula olivacea Meyen." (Mathews, 1927, Syst. Av. Austral., I, p. 95). 
Var. Amaurormis.   
Synon. Aenigmatolimnas, Erythra, Oenolimnas, Pisynolimnas.

Med. L. marginalis marginal, pertaining to the margins or edges < L. margo, marginis edge, border.