Masked Lapwing

Masked Lapwing / Vanellus miles

Masked Lapwing

Here the details of the Masked Lapwing named bird below:

SCI Name:  Vanellus miles
Protonym:  Tringa miles TablePlanchesEnlum. p.51
Taxonomy:  Charadriiformes / Charadriidae /
Taxonomy Code:  maslap1
Type Locality:  Louisiana, ex Daubenton, pi. 835; error, Timor Laut designated as type locaUty by Mathews, Nov. Zool., 18, 1912, p. 215.
Publish Year:  1783
IUCN Status:  


(Charadriidae; Ϯ Northern Lapwing V. vanellus) Med. L. vanellus  lapwing  < dim. L. vannus  winnowing fan (in allusion to the broad wings and floppy flight); "Vanellus. Genus 71.  ...  **1. LE VANNEAU.  ... VANELLUS." (Brisson 1760): based on "Vanellus", "Capella", and "Caprea" of Gessner 1555, and many other authors, and Tringa Vanellus Linnaeus, 1758; "Vanellus Brisson, Orn., 1760, 1, p. 48; 5, p. 94. Type, by tautonymy, Vanellus Brisson = Tringa vanellus Linné." (Peters 1934, II, 235).  The Northern Lapwing appears the most aberrant member of the genus; it has been suggested that Hoplopterus be resurrected for all the other species presently included in Vanellus.   
Var. Canellus, Cranellus.   
Synon. Acanthopteryx, Acanthropterus, Afribyx, Afrovanellus, Anitibyx, Anomalophrys, Belonopterus, Chettusia, Defilippia, Dilobus, Dorypaltus, Euhyas, Eurypterus, Gavia, Hemiparra, Hoplopterus, Limnetes, Lobibyx, Lobipluvia, Lobivanellus, Microsarcops, Nonnusia, Ptiloscelys, Rogibyx, Sarciophorus, Sarcogrammus, Stephanibyx, Titihoia, Tringa, Tylibyx, Vanellochettusia, Viator, Xiphidiopterus, Zapterus, Zonifer.

Med. L. vanellus lapwing < dim. L. vannus winnowing fan; "78. TRINGA.  ...  Vanellus.  2. T. pedibus rubris, crista dependente, pectore nigro. Fn. svec. 148.  Capella s. Vanellus. Bell. av. 49. a. Gesn. av. 764. Aldr. orn. l. 20. c. 63. Will. orn. 228. t. 57. Jonst. av. 164. t. 53. 27. Raj. av. 110. Alb. av. I. p. 70. t. 74.  Habitat in Europa, Africa.  Migrat forte in Ægyptum. Ova Belgis in deliciis.” (Linnaeus 1758) (Vanellus).

L. miles, militis  soldier. In ornithology usually refers to species with military red or red-marked plumage (e.g. syn. Aethopyga siparaja seheriae, the “Military Sunbird” of Hodgson 1836), armed with spurs (e.g. Vanellus, ex “Vanneau armé de la Louisiane” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 835), or with aggressive behaviour (e.g. syn. Machetornis rixosus).


Masked Lapwing (Masked)
SCI Name: Vanellus miles miles
L. miles, militis  soldier. In ornithology usually refers to species with military red or red-marked plumage (e.g. syn. Aethopyga siparaja seheriae, the “Military Sunbird” of Hodgson 1836), armed with spurs (e.g. Vanellus, ex “Vanneau armé de la Louisiane” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 835), or with aggressive behaviour (e.g. syn. Machetornis rixosus).

Masked Lapwing (Black-shouldered)
SCI Name: Vanellus miles novaehollandiae
novaehollandae / novaehollandia / novaehollandiae
L. novus  new; Mod. L. Hollandia  Holland, Netherlands; i.e. New Holland (Mod. L. Nova Hollandia or Hollandia Nova), the name given to Western Australia by early Dutch explorers, and by which Australia was known to Europeans during the 17th, 18th and early 19th centuries. In ornithology the name is usually synonymous with eastern Australia, especially the modern state of New South Wales.
● ex “New-Holland White Eagle”of Latham 1781 (Accipiter).
● ex “Crested Goatsucker” of Phillip 1789 (syn. Aegotheles cristatus).
● Erroneous TL. New Holland (= Van Diemens Land = Tasmania) (syn. Anthochaera paradoxa).
● ex “White-fronted Heron” of Phillip 1789 (Ardea).
● ex “New Holland Thrush” of atham 1783 (Coracina).
● ex “New-Holland Cassowary” of Phillip 1789, and White 1790 (Dromaius).
● ex “New Holland Penguin” of Latham 1824 (Eudyptula).
● ex "Crimson-billed Gull" of Latham, 1824 (Larus).
● ex “Crested Parrakeet” of Latham 1781 (syn. Nymphicus hollandicus).
● ex “New Holland Tern” of Latham 1824 (syn. Onychoprion anaethetus).
● ex “New Holland Shag” of Latham 1824 (subsp. Phalacrocorax carbo).
● ex “New Holland Creeper” of White 1790 (Phylidonyris).
 Erroneous TL. New Holland (= New Zealand) (syn. Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae).
● ex “Psittaceous Hornbill” of Phillip 1789 (Scythrops).
● ex “New-Holland Grebe” of Latham 1824 (Tachybaptus).
● ex “Blue-bellied Parrot” of Brown 1776 (syn. Trichoglossus moluccanus).
● ex “Mouse Owl” of Latham 1821 (Tyto).
● ex "Wattled Sandpiper" of Latham 1801 (subsp. Vanellus miles).