Blue-whiskered Tanager

Blue-whiskered Tanager / Tangara johannae

Blue-whiskered Tanager

Here the details of the Blue-whiskered Tanager named bird below:

SCI Name:  Tangara johannae
Protonym:  Calliste johannae Bull.Br.Orn.Club 11 p.36
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Thraupidae /
Taxonomy Code:  blwtan1
Type Locality:  El Paillon, near Buenaventura, Colombia [= Pailon, Valle] .
Publish Year:  1900
IUCN Status:  


(Thraupidae; Ϯ Paradise Tanager T. chilensis paradisea) Tupí name Tangara  dancer, one who turns and skips, for the manakins but subsequently (Marcgrave 1648) transferred to other bright finch-like birds (cf. Brazilian Portuguese name Dançador; Wayāpi name Tängala; genus Saltator); "Genus Tangaræ (1).  ...  (1) Tangara, nomen Brasilianum, quibusdam hujus generic speciebus inditum.    Le genre du Tangara (1).  ...  (1) Tangara, nom qu'on donne au Brésil à quelques especes de ce genre.  ...  ** 1. LE TANGARA.  Tangara superne splendide nigra, inferne Beryllina; uropygio flammeo; capite superius & ad latera viridi; collo inferiore cœruleo-violaceo; remigibus majoribus exterius cœruleo-violaceis, interius nigris; minoribus & rectricibus splendide nigris. . . . .TANGARA." (Brisson 1760): ex "Tangara Brasiliensibus" of Marcgrave 1648, Jonston 1650-1653, Willughby 1676, and Ray 1713, and "Avicula de Tatao" of Seba 1735; "Tangara Brisson, 1760, Ornithologie, 3, p. 3. Type, by tautonymy, Tangara Brisson = Aglaïa paradisea Swainson." (Storer in Peters 1970, XIII, 359).   
Var. Tanara.   
Synon. Aglaia, Calliste, Calospiza, Chalcothraupis, Chrysothraupis, Diva, Euprepiste, Euschemon, Gyrola, Hypothlypis, Ixothraupis, Poecilostreptus, Procnopis, Stilpnia, Tanagraoides, Tanagrella, Tatao, Thraupis.

Med. L. Johanna  Joanna, Jeanne, Jean, Jane.
● Jane Anne Eliza Sclater née Hunter Blair (1836-1915) wife of English ornithologist Philip Lutley Sclater (Alopecoenas).
● Johanna, former name for Anjouan I., Comoro Is. (syn. Ardea cinerea firasa (ex “Johanna Heron” of Latham 1785), subsp. Corythornis vintsioides).
● Henriette Jeanne Verreaux née Bodier (1826-1895) wife of French natural history dealer Édouard Verreaux (Cinnyris, syn. Columba delegorguei).
Jane Cooke née Loddiges (1812-1843) English botanical painter, daughter of trochilidist George Loddiges (Doryfera).
● Adrienne Marie Louise Jeanne Brasil (b. 1893) daughter of French zoologist Dr Louis L. Brasil (Martin Schneider in litt.) (syn. Haliastur sphenurus).
● Jane Ashton Whitehead née Tinker (1829-1899) mother of English explorer John Whitehead (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.) (syn. Prionochilus plateni).
● Jeanne Henriette de Dalmas (1888-1978) daughter of French ornithologist Raymond Comte de Dalmas (Martin Schneider in litt.) (Tangara).