Olive-backed Tanager

Olive-backed Tanager / Mitrospingus oleagineus

Olive-backed Tanager

Here the details of the Olive-backed Tanager named bird below:

SCI Name:  Mitrospingus oleagineus
Protonym:  Eucometis oleaginea Ibis p.500
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Mitrospingidae /
Taxonomy Code:  olbtan1
Type Locality:  Twekquay Mountain, Carimang River, British Guiana.
Publish Year:  1886
IUCN Status:  


(Mitrospingidae; Ϯ Dusky-faced Tanager M. cassinii) Gr. μιτρα mitra  cap, head-dress; σπιγγος spingos  finch  < σπιζω spizō  to chirp; "Genus Mitrospingus.  (Type, Tachyphonus cassini Lawrence.)  Related to Eucometis Sclater, but bill much longer (nearly as long as head), nostrils very different, wing more rounded, tarsus relatively longer, claws stronger, occipital feathers very short (instead of the reverse), and style of coloration very different." (Ridgway 1898).

oleaginea / oleagineum / oleagineus / oleaginia
L. oleagineus  olive-coloured, oleaginous, of the olive tree  < olea  olive tree.


Olive-backed Tanager (obscuripectus)
SCI Name: Mitrospingus oleagineus obscuripectus
L. obscurus  dark, dusky; pectus, pectoris  breast.

Olive-backed Tanager (oleagineus)
SCI Name: Mitrospingus oleagineus oleagineus
oleaginea / oleagineum / oleagineus / oleaginia
L. oleagineus  olive-coloured, oleaginous, of the olive tree  < olea  olive tree.