Vivid Niltava

Vivid Niltava / Niltava vivida

Vivid Niltava

Here the details of the Vivid Niltava named bird below:

SCI Name:  Niltava vivida
Protonym:  Cyornis vivida Ibis p.363
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Muscicapidae /
Taxonomy Code:  vivnil1
Type Locality:  mountains of Formosa.
Publish Year:  1864
IUCN Status:  


(Muscicapidae; Ϯ Rufous-bellied Niltava N. sundara) Nepalese name Niltau for the Rufous-bellied Niltava; "Genus Niltava nobis.  Niltau of Nepal.   ...   Habits, forest-haunting, arboreal and terrestrial, but chiefly the former, exploring foliage.  Food, various sorts of soft and hard, perfect and imperfect, insects.  Bugs, fire-flies, tiny coleoptera, caterpillars, ants, pulpy berries, and hard seeds, the latter chiefly in winter.  Solitary.  Never seize on wing.  Habitat central region of the hills.   1st species and type. Niltava Sundara nobis." (Hodgson 1837) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz).
Var. Miltava.
Synon. Bainopus, Chaitaris, Microbainopus.

L. vividus  vivid, animated, lively  < vivere  to be alive.


Vivid Niltava (Large)
SCI Name: Niltava vivida oatesi
oatesi / oatesii
● Frank Oates (1840-1875) British naturalist, collector, explorer in Central America 1871-1872, and southern Africa 1873-1875 (one of the first Europeans to see the Victoria Falls) (syn. Agricola pallidus murinus, syn. Melaenornis pammelaina).
● Eugene William Oates (1845-1911) English civil servant in India, naturalist (syn. Anser fabalis, subsp. Chleuasicus atrosuperciliaris, subsp. Garrulus bispecularis, Hydrornis, subsp. Lophura leucomelanos, Niltava, syn. Siva cyanouroptera sordidaSpelaeornis).

Vivid Niltava (Small)
SCI Name: Niltava vivida vivida
L. vividus  vivid, animated, lively  < vivere  to be alive.