Golden Bush-Robin

Golden Bush-Robin / Tarsiger chrysaeus

Golden Bush-Robin

Here the details of the Golden Bush-Robin named bird below:

SCI Name:  Tarsiger chrysaeus
Protonym:  Tarsiger chrysaeus Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt13 no.146 p.28
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Muscicapidae /
Taxonomy Code:  gobrob1
Type Locality:  Nepal.
Publish Year:  1845
IUCN Status:  


(Muscicapidae; Ϯ Golden Bush Robin T. chrysaeus) Mod. L. tarsus  leg, shank  < Gr. ταρσος tarsos  flat of the foot; L. -ger  bearing  < gerere  to carry; "Luscinidæ.  ...  Tarsiger chrysæus, [drawing nos.] 408, 409." (Hodgson 1844); “Genus Tarsiger, mihi.  Bill equal to head, straight, subdepressed, feeble, gradually widening from the tip; the upper mandible more than half exceeded by the nareal fosse, and much overlaid by the soft frontal plumes; tip of bill obtuse, and nearly unarmed; gape rather wide and ciliated; wings submedial, round rather than acuminate, firm; fifth quill longest; 4-6 and 3-7 respectively equal; alars and caudals wedged and mucronate; tail medial, rounded; tarse very elevate, slender and smooth; toes ambulant, simple; laterals unequal, hinder rather large; nails large, slender, simple; hind largest.  Exclusively monticolous; dwells in low brushwood solitarily, and is much on the ground, feeding chiefly on small ground insects.   ...   Type, T. chrysæus, mihi” (Hodgson 1845); "Tarsiger Hodgson, 1845, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 28, ex Hodgson, in Gray, 1844, Zool. Misc., p. 83, nom. nud. Type, by monotypy [= original designation], Tarsiger chrysaeus Hodgson." (Ripley in Peters 1964, X, 33). 
Synon. Dorisella, Ianthia, Nemura.

chrysaeum / chrysaeus
Gr. χρυσειος khruseios  golden  < χρυσος khrusos  gold.
● “The name chrysotis is inapplicable to this species; and I think it must have been given by mistake for chrysæus, to which it was corrected later by Mr Hodgson. I have adopted the latter name in consequence, following Jerdon and others” (Sharpe 1883) (syn. Lioparus chrysotis).


Golden Bush-Robin (whistleri)
SCI Name: Tarsiger chrysaeus whistleri
Hugh Whistler (1889-1943) Indian Police in the Punjab 1909-1932, naturalist, collector (subsp. Anthus pratensis, subsp. Cettia brunnifrons, subsp. Garrulax albogularis, syn. Leptocoma zeylonica flaviventris, subsp. Niltava sundara, subsp. Periparus rubidiventris, Phylloscopus, subsp. Pycnonotus jocosus, syn. Sitta himalayensis, subsp. Tarsiger chrysaeus).

Golden Bush-Robin (chrysaeus)
SCI Name: Tarsiger chrysaeus chrysaeus
chrysaeum / chrysaeus
Gr. χρυσειος khruseios  golden  < χρυσος khrusos  gold.
● “The name chrysotis is inapplicable to this species; and I think it must have been given by mistake for chrysæus, to which it was corrected later by Mr Hodgson. I have adopted the latter name in consequence, following Jerdon and others” (Sharpe 1883) (syn. Lioparus chrysotis).