Barred Cuckooshrike

Barred Cuckooshrike / Coracina lineata

Barred Cuckooshrike

Here the details of the Barred Cuckooshrike named bird below:

SCI Name:  Coracina lineata
Protonym:  Ceblepyris lineata Zool.J. 1 p.466
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Campephagidae /
Taxonomy Code:  yeecus1
Type Locality:  Australia = Moreton Bay, Queensland.
Publish Year:  1825
IUCN Status:  


(Campephagidae; White-bellied Cuckooshrike C. papuensis) Gr. κορακινος korakinos  little raven  < dim. κοραξ korax, κορακος korakos  raven  <  κρωζω krōzō  to croak; "102. CORACINE, Coracina.  Corvus, Linn. Gm. Lath.  Bec glabre, ou emplumé, ou cilié à la base, épais, rétréci à la pointe, déprimé, anguleux en dessus, courbé vers le bout, entier ou échancré; mandibule inférieure un peu aplatie en dessous.  4 sections.   Esp. Col-nud. — Choucari. — Choucas chauve, Buff.  Céphaloptère, Geoffroy, Annales du muséum." (Vieillot 1816); "Gen. CORACINA Vieill. 1816. *) Raupendohle.   Graucalus Cuv. 1817. — Coronis Glog. 1827.   ...   *) Als Vieillot die Gattung Caracina [sic] begründete, waren von den 4 Typen derselben bereits 3 für andre Gattungen (Gymnoderus, Gymnocephalus [= Perissocephalus] und Cephalopterus Geoffr) vergeben und haben diese die Priorität.  Es bleibt daher für die Gattung Coracina als Typus nur der Choucari (Corvus papuensis), welcher zugleich Typus der späteren Gattung Graucalus Cuv. ist." (Cabanis 1853); "Coracina Vieillot, 1816 (April), Analyse, p. 37.  Type, by subsequent designation, "Choucari" of Buffon = Corvus papuensis Gmelin (Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Hein., Th. 1, [1850-51][= 1853], p. 62)." (Peters, 1960, IX, p. 168) (see Graucalus and Ceblepyris).
Var. Caracina, Carocina, Corvina.
Synon. Artamides, Coronis, Gazzola, Graucalus, Kinkus, Paragraucalus, Pteropodocys, Ptiladela, Volvocivora.
(Cotingidae; syn. Cephalopterus  Ornate Umbrellabird C. ornatus) (see above).
(Cotingidae; syn. Gymnoderus Bare-necked Fruitcrow G. foetidus) (see above).
• (Cotingidae; syn. Perissocephalus † Capuchinbird P. tricolor) (see above).
• (Cotingidae; syn. Pyroderus  Red-ruffed Fruitcrow P. scutatus) "SUBFAM. CORACINÆ. Fruit Crows.  ...  South America only.   CORACINA, Vieillot. (fig. 237. a, b)  Front and base of the bill protected by short thick-set feathers.   C. scutata.  Pl. Col. 40." (Swainson 1837); "Coracina "Vieillot" Swainson, 1837, Nat. Hist. Classification Birds, II, p. 267 (not of Vieillot, 1816).  Type, by monotypy, C. scutata, i.e. Coracias scutata Shaw, 1792." (JAJ 2021).

coracina / coracinus
L. coracinus  raven-black  < Gr. κορακινος korakinos  raven-black  < κοραξ korax, κορακος korakos  raven  < κρωζω krōzō  to croak.
● ex “Grivert de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 616 (syn. Saltator maximus).

L. lineatus  marked with lines, lined  < linea  line  < linum  thread  < Gr. λινον linon  flax, linen.
● ex “Pitpit à coëffe bleue” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Blue-striped Warbler” of Latham 1783 (Dacnis).
● ex “Lineated Pheasant” of Latham 1823 (Lophura).
● ex “Fourmilier grivelé de Cayenne” (= ♀) of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 823, fig. 1, “Petit béfroi” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Speckled Thrush” of Latham 1783 (syn. Sclateria naevia).
● ex “Radiated Grosbeak” of Latham 1785 (?syn. Sporophila americana).


Barred Cuckooshrike (axillaris)
SCI Name: Coracina lineata axillaris
L. axillaris  of the armpit  < axilla  armpit.
● ex “Axillary Falcon” of Latham 1801 (Elanus).

Barred Cuckooshrike (maforensis)
SCI Name: Coracina lineata maforensis
mafoorana / maforense / maforensis
Mafor I. (= Numfoor), Geelvink Bay, New Guinea.

Barred Cuckooshrike (sublineata)
SCI Name: Coracina lineata sublineata
sublineata / sublineatus
L. sub  beneath; lineatus  lined, marked with lines  < linea  line  < linum  thread  < Gr. λινον linon  flax, linen.
● L. sub  near to; specific name Ceblepyris lineata Swainson, 1825 (subsp. Coracina lineata).

Barred Cuckooshrike (nigrifrons)
SCI Name: Coracina lineata nigrifrons
L. niger  black; frons, frontis  forehead, brow.
● ex “Black-fronted Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (unident.).

Barred Cuckooshrike (ombriosa)
SCI Name: Coracina lineata ombriosa
ombriosa / ombriosus
● Gr. ομβριος ombrios  of rain  < ομβρια ombria  rain (subsp. Coracina lineata).
● Old Moorish name Ombrios for the island of Hierro, Canary Is. (subsp. Cyanistes teneriffae, subsp. Fringilla coelebs).

Barred Cuckooshrike (pusilla)
SCI Name: Coracina lineata pusilla
L. pusillus  very little, very small  < dim. pusus  little boy  < puer  boy.
● ex “Cinclus dominicensis minor” of Brisson 1760 (Calidris).
● ex “Small Nuthatch” of Catesby 1731, “Petit Torchepot de la Caroline” of Brisson 1760, and “Petite Sittelle à tête brune” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (Sitta).
● ex “Little Sparrow” of Catesby 1731 (Spizella).
● "59. CERTHIA.  ...  pusilla.  2. C. supra grisea, subtus alba, rectricibus fuscis: extimis apice albis.  Certhia fusca minor. Edw. av. 26. l. 26.  Habitat in India." (Linnaeus 1758) (unident.; nom. dub.).

Barred Cuckooshrike (malaitae)
SCI Name: Coracina lineata malaitae
Malaita I., Solomon Is.

Barred Cuckooshrike (makirae)
SCI Name: Coracina lineata makirae
makirae / makirensis
Makira (= San Cristobal), Solomon Is.

Barred Cuckooshrike (gracilis)
SCI Name: Coracina lineata gracilis
L. gracilis or gracilus  slender, elegant, slim, thin.
● “has many characters in common with the Ptilotis chrysotis ... and the Ptilotis similis ... but it differs from both in the greater slenderness of its form, in its diminutive size, and, especially from the former, in the uniform colouring of its throat and abdomen” (Gould 1866) (Microptilotis).
● ex “Gracile Goatsucker” of Latham 1801 (syn. Podargus strigoides).

Barred Cuckooshrike (lineata)
SCI Name: Coracina lineata lineata
L. lineatus  marked with lines, lined  < linea  line  < linum  thread  < Gr. λινον linon  flax, linen.
● ex “Pitpit à coëffe bleue” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Blue-striped Warbler” of Latham 1783 (Dacnis).
● ex “Lineated Pheasant” of Latham 1823 (Lophura).
● ex “Fourmilier grivelé de Cayenne” (= ♀) of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 823, fig. 1, “Petit béfroi” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Speckled Thrush” of Latham 1783 (syn. Sclateria naevia).
● ex “Radiated Grosbeak” of Latham 1785 (?syn. Sporophila americana).