Peruvian Pigeon

Peruvian Pigeon / Patagioenas oenops

Peruvian Pigeon

Here the details of the Peruvian Pigeon named bird below:

SCI Name:  Patagioenas oenops
Protonym:  Columba oenops Novit.Zool. 2 p.20
Taxonomy:  Columbiformes / Columbidae /
Taxonomy Code:  perpig2
Type Locality:  Viiia, Huamachuco, 5500 feet, Malca and Cajabamba, 8000 feet, Peru.
Publish Year:  1895
IUCN Status:  


(Columbidae; Ϯ White-crowned Pigeon P. leucocephala) Gr. παταγη patagē  clatter, clap; οινας oinas, οιναδος oinados   pigeon; "Genera et Species typicae.  ...  γ. *Patagioenas Rchb. leucocephala (Col. — L. Gm.) R.  Ic. Av. t. 223. ic. 1257—58.  t. 255. ic. 2863—64." (Reichenbach 1852); "Patagioenas Reichenbach, Av. Syst. Nat., p. xxv, 1852—type, by [original designation and] monotypy, Columba leucocephala Linnaeus." (Hellmayr & Conover 1942, XIII, 430). This genus incorporates the New World pigeons formerly included in Columba.
Var. Patagiaenas.
Synon. Chloroenas, Crossophthalmus, Lepidoenas, Notioenas, Oenoenas, Picazuros.

● Gr. οινος oinos  wine; ωψ ōps, ωπος ōpos  eye (syn. Garrulus glandarius minor).
● Gr. οινος oinos  wine; ωψ ōps, ωπος ōpos  face (subsp. Laterallus melanophaius).
● Gr. οινωψ oinōps, οινωπος oinōpos  deep-red, wine-coloured (Patagioenas).

(syn. Cathartes Ϯ Turkey Vulture C. aura) Gr. οινωψ oinōps,  οινωπος oinōpos  wine-coloured; "10. ŒNOPS *.  Catharista et Cathartes, auct. recent.  ...  * οινος, vinum; ωψ, facies" (Sharpe 1874). A substitute name with no type specified.