Polynesian Swiftlet

Polynesian Swiftlet / Aerodramus leucophaeus

Polynesian Swiftlet

Here the details of the Polynesian Swiftlet named bird below:

SCI Name:  Aerodramus leucophaeus
Protonym:  Macropteryx leucophaeus U.S.Expl.Exped. 8 p.178
Taxonomy:  Caprimulgiformes / Apodidae /
Taxonomy Code:  polswi1
Type Locality:  Tahiti.
Publish Year:  1848
IUCN Status:  


(Apodidae; Ϯ Himalayan Swiftlet A. brevirostris innominatus) Gr. αηρ aēr, αερος aeros  air; -δρομος -dromos  -racer  < τρεχω trekhō  to run; "A.—Tarsus more or less feathered (subgenus Aerodramus).  ...  AERODRAMUS, 6 subgenus nov.   Chars. subgen.— Similar in proportions to the subgenus Collocalia, but tarsus more or less feathered.  Type.— Collocalia innominata Hume.   ...   6 αηρ, aer; δραμειν, cursare." (Oberholser 1906); "Aerodramus Oberholser, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 58, 1906, p. 179 (in key), p. 182.  Type, by original designation, Collocalia innominata Hume." (Peters, 1940, IV, p. 220).
Synon. Zoonava.

Gr. λευκοφαιος leukophaios  whitish-grey, ash-coloured.
● ex “Drongri” of Levaillant 1805, pl. 170 (Dicrurus).

(syn. Larus Ϯ Dolphin Gull L. scoresbii) Gr. λευκοφαιος leukophaios  whitish-grey, ash-coloured  < λευκος leukos  white; φαιος phaios  dusky (cf. λευκοφαης leukophaēs  gleaming white); "XII. Leucophaeus Bp.  Schmuckmöven.  Gefieder dunkel, gegen den Schwanz hin lichter werdend.  Schnabel und Füsse dick und stark.  Schwimmhäute stark ausgeschnitten.   62) haematorhynchus King.   Süd-America." (Bruch 1853); "212. Leucophaeus, Bp. 1852.  (Leucophaius. - Larus, part., Gr.)  Rostrum robustissimum: pedes validi; membrana interdigitali profunde excisa; halluce brevissimo, ungue obtuso.  Alae elongatae; remigibus nigris: cauda aequalis.  Color obscurus, caudam versus dilutior.  Analogiam cum PROCELLARIIDIS et cum LAREO genere BLASIPA praebet.    Am. m. occ.  3.    1. LARUS scoresbii, Trail. (haematorhynchus, King.   ...   *2. LARUS fuliginosus, Gould.  (Adelarus neptunus, Bp. in litt. adult - Ad. belcheri, p. Bruch. - Ad. fuliginosus, Bp. 1854. - Leucophaes fuliginosus, Bp.)   ...   3. LARUS belcheri, Vig. 1829." (Bonaparte 1857); "Leucophaeus (Bonaparte MS.) Bruch, Journ. Orn., 1, p. 108, 1853—type, by monotypy, Larus haematorhynchus King = Larus scoresbii Traill." (Hellmayr & Conover 1948, XIII, 251).   Var. Leucophaius, Leucophoeus.