Spotted Bamboowren

Spotted Bamboowren / Psilorhamphus guttatus

Spotted Bamboowren

Here the details of the Spotted Bamboowren named bird below:

SCI Name:  Psilorhamphus guttatus
Protonym:  Leptorhynchus guttatus Mem.Acad.Imp.Sci.St.Petersb.(6), 1 p.516 pl.10 fig.1
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Rhinocryptidae /
Taxonomy Code:  spobam1
Type Locality:  'Cuyaba,'' [? Minas Gerais,] Brazil.
Publish Year:  1835
IUCN Status:  


(Rhinocryptidae; Ϯ Spotted Bamboowren P. guttatus) Gr. ψιλος psilos  simple, smooth, fine; ῥαμφος rhamphos  bill; "FORMICIVORA CALLINOTA.  ...  It must be placed next to the Brazilian Formicivora maculata, (Max.) (Leptorhynchus striolatus, Menetries, Mém. de l'Ac. St. P. 1835, pl. 10. fig. 2*), with which it agrees in form and style of plumage.   ...   * M. Menetries has made this bird a second species of his genus Leptorhynchus, but I do not think it can be satisfactorily arranged along with the peculiar form which he has made the type of his genus; and the name Leptorhynchus being preoccupied, I propose to change it to Psilorhamphus.  Type P. guttatus, mihi. (Leptorhynchus guttatus, Men. pl. 10. fig.1.)" (P. Sclater 1855); "Psilorhamphus Sclater, 1855, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 23, p. 90. New name for Leptorhynchus Ménétriés, 1835, preoccupied by Leptorhynchus Clift, 1829. Type, by monotypy, Leptorhynchus guttatus Ménétriés." (Paynter in Peters 1964, X, Addenda [456]).
Var. Psiloramphus.
Synon. Leptorhynchus.

guttatum / guttatus
L. guttatus spotted, speckled  < gutta  spot, drop.
● ex “Esparvero pardo y goteado” (= ☼) of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 24 (syn. Accipiter bicolor pileatus).
● ex “Perroquet Amazone varié du Brésil” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 120 (?syn. Amazona ochrocephalus).
● ex “Grimpar Picucule” of Levaillant 1807 (Xiphorhynchus).