Cliff Flycatcher

Cliff Flycatcher / Hirundinea ferruginea

Cliff Flycatcher

Here the details of the Cliff Flycatcher named bird below:

SCI Name:  Hirundinea ferruginea
Protonym:  [Todus] ferrugineus Syst.Nat. 1 pt1 p.446
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Tyrannidae /
Taxonomy Code:  clifly1
Type Locality:  Cayenne.
Publish Year:  1788
IUCN Status:  


((Tyrannidae; Swallow Flycatcher H. bellicosa) L. hirundineus  of swallows  < hirundo, hirundinis  swallow (cf. Med. L. hirundineus  swallow-like); the long-winged Swallow Flycatcher, having ejected the original owners, appropriates the nests of swallows and martins for its own use; "S. G. HIRUNDINEA, Nob.  Alæ elongatæ, acuminatæ, rectrice secunda longissima, omnibus apice integris non emarginatis; cauda ampla, apice recta; rostrum latum, valde depressum; pedes debiliores, tarsis digitisque brevissimis.   1. H. bellicosa, Nob. — (Tyrannus bellicosus, Vieill., Dict., t. xxxv, p. 74; Suiriri rouge obscur, Azara, nº 189; T. pyrrophaius? Vieill., Dict., t. xxxv, p. 75; Platyrhynchos hirundinaceus, Spix., pl. 13, fig. 1" (d'Orbigny & de La Fresnaye 1837); "Hirundinea d'Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 46.  Type, by monotypy, Tyrannus bellicosus Vieillot." (Traylor in Peters, 1979, VIII, p. 184).
Synon. Phoneutria.

hirundinea / hirundineus
L. hirundineus of swallows  < hirundo  swallow (cf. Med. L. hirundineus  swallow-like, migratory).
● ex “Guêpier à Queue Fourchue” or “Guêpier Tawa” of Levaillant 1813, pl. 8 (Merops).

L. ferrugineus  rusty-coloured, rusty, ferruginous  < ferrugo, ferruginis  iron rust  < ferrum  iron.
● ex “Anas rutila” of Linnaeus 1746, and “Ferruginous Duck” of Pennant, 1776, and Latham 1785 (syn. Aythya nyroca).
● ex “Gilt-throat Warbler” of Latham 1783 (?syn. Ficedula albicilla).
● ex “Ferrugineous-bellied Tody” of Latham 1781 (Hirundinea).
ex “Little Sparrow” of Edwards, 1741, and “Ferruginous Finch” of Pennant 1785 (syn. Passerella iliaca).
● ex Tanagra capensis Sparrman, 1787 (syn. Turnagra capensis).


Cliff Flycatcher (Cliff)
SCI Name: Hirundinea ferruginea ferruginea/sclateri
((Tyrannidae; Swallow Flycatcher H. bellicosa) L. hirundineus  of swallows  < hirundo, hirundinis  swallow (cf. Med. L. hirundineus  swallow-like); the long-winged Swallow Flycatcher, having ejected the original owners, appropriates the nests of swallows and martins for its own use; "S. G. HIRUNDINEA, Nob.  Alæ elongatæ, acuminatæ, rectrice secunda longissima, omnibus apice integris non emarginatis; cauda ampla, apice recta; rostrum latum, valde depressum; pedes debiliores, tarsis digitisque brevissimis.   1. H. bellicosa, Nob. — (Tyrannus bellicosus, Vieill., Dict., t. xxxv, p. 74; Suiriri rouge obscur, Azara, nº 189; T. pyrrophaius? Vieill., Dict., t. xxxv, p. 75; Platyrhynchos hirundinaceus, Spix., pl. 13, fig. 1" (d'Orbigny & de La Fresnaye 1837); "Hirundinea d'Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 46.  Type, by monotypy, Tyrannus bellicosus Vieillot." (Traylor in Peters, 1979, VIII, p. 184).
Synon. Phoneutria.

Cliff Flycatcher (Swallow)
SCI Name: Hirundinea ferruginea bellicosa/pallidior
((Tyrannidae; Swallow Flycatcher H. bellicosa) L. hirundineus  of swallows  < hirundo, hirundinis  swallow (cf. Med. L. hirundineus  swallow-like); the long-winged Swallow Flycatcher, having ejected the original owners, appropriates the nests of swallows and martins for its own use; "S. G. HIRUNDINEA, Nob.  Alæ elongatæ, acuminatæ, rectrice secunda longissima, omnibus apice integris non emarginatis; cauda ampla, apice recta; rostrum latum, valde depressum; pedes debiliores, tarsis digitisque brevissimis.   1. H. bellicosa, Nob. — (Tyrannus bellicosus, Vieill., Dict., t. xxxv, p. 74; Suiriri rouge obscur, Azara, nº 189; T. pyrrophaius? Vieill., Dict., t. xxxv, p. 75; Platyrhynchos hirundinaceus, Spix., pl. 13, fig. 1" (d'Orbigny & de La Fresnaye 1837); "Hirundinea d'Orbigny and Lafresnaye, 1837, Mag. Zool. [Paris], 7, cl. 2, p. 46.  Type, by monotypy, Tyrannus bellicosus Vieillot." (Traylor in Peters, 1979, VIII, p. 184).
Synon. Phoneutria.