
Spot-throat / Modulatrix stictigula


Here the details of the Spot-throat named bird below:

SCI Name:  Modulatrix stictigula
Protonym:  Turdinus stictigula Orn.Monatsb. 14 p.10
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Modulatricidae /
Taxonomy Code:  spothr1
Type Locality:  Mbaramo, Usambara.
Publish Year:  1906
IUCN Status:  


(Modulatricidae; Ϯ Spot-throat M. stictigula) L. modulatrix, modulatricis  female musician, singer  < modulator, modulatoris  musician, singer  < modulari  to play an instrument, to accompany with song; "Turdinus stictigula Reichenow  ...  Delacour has pointed out that the Spot-throat is certainly a thrush and not a babbler in the lengthening of its narrow bill, and its long and slender tarsus and toes.  M. Delacour placed the species provisonally in Cossypha, noting that it bore a slight resemblance to anomala and archeri.  Virtually nothing was known of the habits of the Spot-throat until Moreau published his observations (Ibis, 1932: 672 and 1938: 302). He noted particularly its thrush-like habits and beautiful voice. He further described the nest, eggs, and nestlings, all reasonably thrush-like   ...   In its uniform coloration, spotted throat, and wing and tail formation, stictigula differs notably from the members of the genus Cossypha, and I therefore propose the erection of a new genus.   Modulatrix, n. gen.   Type.—Turdinus stictigula Reichenow 1906.  This genus is similar to Cossypha Vigors 1825 in its narrow bill and its long tarsi and toes; but the wing, which is rounded, has the sixth primary longest rather than the fifth and the first primary is less than two-thirds the length of the second (shorter than in species of Cossypha).  The tail, which is shorter than the wing and of 12 feathers, is slightly rounded rather than squared, the individual rectrices being somewhat pointed. The color pattern of Modulatrix is distinctive uniform deep olive brown on the crown and back, with a faint tendency to terminal barring of the feathers of the center of the back. The tail is rich rufescent. Below, the throat is buffy-gray with terminal black spots; the abdomen is rufous. The flanks are dark brown. There is no tendency to a white eyebrow, crown or presuperciliary spot or stripe, so uniform a feature of Cossypha.   ...   "Modulatrix," a singer Tertull[ianus]." (Ripley 1952). This small Afrotropical family is closely related to the Promeropidae.

L. modulatrix, modulatricis  female musician, singer  < modulator, modulatoris  musician, singer  < modulari  to play an instrument, to accompany with song.

Gr. στικτος stiktos  spotted  < στιζω stizō  to tattoo; L. gula  throat.


Spot-throat (stictigula)
SCI Name: Modulatrix stictigula stictigula
Gr. στικτος stiktos  spotted  < στιζω stizō  to tattoo; L. gula  throat.

Spot-throat (pressa)
SCI Name: Modulatrix stictigula pressa
pressa / pressus
L. pressus  subdued, slow, dark  < premere  to supress.