Cloud-forest Screech-Owl

Cloud-forest Screech-Owl / Megascops marshalli

Cloud-forest Screech-Owl

Here the details of the Cloud-forest Screech-Owl named bird below:

SCI Name:  Megascops marshalli
Protonym:  Otus marshalli Auk 98 p.1-7
Taxonomy:  Strigiformes / Strigidae /
Taxonomy Code:  clfsco1
Type Locality:  
Publish Year:  1981
IUCN Status:  


(Strigidae; Ϯ Eastern Screech Owl M. asio) Gr. μεγας megas, μεγαλη  megalē  great; genus Scops Brünnich, 1772, owl. "5tes Subgenus. Megascops, Kp., Asiones, Schleg.  Schnabel vorgestreckt. Flügel kurz und stumpf. 1ste Schwinge so lang wie die 10te. 1ste bis 5te Schwinge an der Aussen- und Innenfahne deutlich ausgeschnitten. Fusswurzel befiedert. Zehen meist vollständig nackt.   8. Scops asio, Gr. Less." (Kaup 1851). The Eastern Screech Owl and its New World congeners were formerly placed in the genus Scops (= Otus).   
Synon. Athene, Gymnasio, Pseudociccaba.

● Sir Guy Anstruther Knox Marshall (1871-1959) British entomologist (subsp. Crithagra flaviventris).
● Capt. Prof. Alan John Marshall (1911-1967) Australian Army, zoologist, comparative anatomist, explorer, collector, radio commentator (Cyclopsitta).
● Maj.-Gen. George Frederick Leycester Marshall (1843-1934) British Army in India, Chief Engineer in the Punjab 1892-1897 (subsp. Dendrocopos hyperythrus).
● Prof. Joe Truesdell Marshall, Jr. (1918-2015) US Army, zoologist, parasitologist, ornithologist (Megascops, subsp. Melozone albicollis, subsp. Vireo griseus).