Tylas Vanga

Tylas Vanga / Tylas eduardi

Tylas Vanga

Here the details of the Tylas Vanga named bird below:

SCI Name:  Tylas eduardi
Protonym:  Tylas eduardi Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt2 p.152 pl.18
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Vangidae /
Taxonomy Code:  tylvan1
Type Locality:  type from Alanamasaotra, eastern Madagascar (see Ibis, 1862, p. 273).
Publish Year:  1862
IUCN Status:  


(Vangidae; Ϯ Tylas Vanga T. eduardi) Gr. τυλας tulas, τυλαδος tulados  kind of thrush mentioned by Alexander Myndios; "TYLAS *, n.g.  (Pycnonotinæ).   Char. Gen.—Rostrum satis robustum et elongatum, rectiusculum, emarginatum, dimidio apicali compressum, basin versus dilatatum; culmine carinato, subarcuato; naribus apertis, ovalibus; vibrissis rictalibus nonnullis conspicuis, mollibus.  Alæ longiusculæ, caudæ dimidium superantes; remige prima subspuria, quarta et quinta longissimis, subæqualibus, tertia breviore, secunda multo breviore.  Cauda longa, æqualis.  Tarsi breviusculi; pedibus parvis; digitis gracilibus, debilibus, interno vix breviore; unguibus debilibus.   TYLAS EDUARDI, sp. nov.   ...   The genus Tylas is nearly related to Hypsipetes, but differs in the beak being decidedly stronger, broader, and more inflated; in the longer wings, which in Hypsipetes do not reach to the middle of the tail; in the tail being proportionally shorter; and in the rictal bristles being much more developed. The under tail-coverts are very long. The iris is yellow—a colour not found hitherto in the genus Hypsipetes. The whole system of coloration is different from that of the latter genus.   ...   *τυλας, "avis quædam ignota turdina." " (Hartlaub 1862); "Tylas Hartlaub, 1862, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 152. Type, by monotypy, Tylas eduardi Hartlaub." (Rand in Peters 1960, IX, 299). The relationships of the Tylas Vanga or Kinkimavo still remain unresolved.

eduardi / edward / edwardi / edwardii / edwardsi / edwardsii
● Prof. Alphonse Milne-Edwards (1835-1900) French zoologist (‡Alectoris, syn. Casuarius bennetti westermanniLophura, syn. Porphyrio poliocephalus viridis).
● Edward Wilson (1808-1888) British naturalist, trochilidist, High Sheriff of Pembrokeshire (Amazilia).
● Prof. Henri Milne Edwards (1800-1885) French zoologist, father of Alphonse Milne-Edwards (syn. Ardeotis nigriceps, Bangsia, Calonectris, Carpodacus, syn. Nilaus aferPsittaculirostris).
● George Edwards (1694-1773) English traveller, naturalist, painter (syn. Anser caerulescens (ex "Blue-Winged Goose" of Edwards 1750) (Laurent Raty in litt.), syn. Crax rubra (ex “Curasso-Bird” of Edwards 1760), syn. Euplectes orix (ex "Grenadier" of Edwards 1751), ?syn. Limosa haemastica (ex "White Godwit from Hudson's Bay" of Edwards 1750), syn. Loriculus beryllinus, syn. Manacus manacus (ex “Black-capped Manakin” of Edwards 1758, and “Manakin à tête noire de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 303, fig. 1), syn. Neophema pulchella (ex “Perruche Edwards” of Levaillant 1801), syn. Phaethon lepturus catesbyi (ex “Tropick Bird” of Edwards 1750)).
● Dr Ernest Preston Edwards (1919-2011) US ornithologist, collector (syn. Dactylortyx thoracicus chiapensis).
● Edward Prince of Wales (1894-1972) later Edward VIII (reigned 1936, abdicated) and Duke of Windsor (subsp. Menura novaehollandiae).
Edward Charles Migdalski (1918-2009) US ichthyologist, collector, explorer, sportsman (syn. Spilopelia chinensis suratensis).
Edward Charles Stuart Baker (1864-1944) British ornithologist, oologist, Indian Police 1883-1912, collector (syn. Thalasseus bergii velox).
● Sir Edward Newton (1832-1897) British assistant colonial secretary on Mauritius 1859-1877, naturalist, collector in Madagascar 1861-1862, and Seychelles 1866 (Tylas) (NB. edwardnewtoni is a misspelling of eponym enewtoni).
● Sir Edward John Lees Hallstrom (1886-1970) Australian businessman, aviculturalist, philanthropist (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.) (subsp. Zapornia tabuensis).
● These eponyms were confused and frequently misspelled or mistakenly corrected (e.g. Tylas edwardsi).


Tylas Vanga (Eduard's)
SCI Name: Tylas eduardi eduardi
eduardi / edward / edwardi / edwardii / edwardsi / edwardsii
● Prof. Alphonse Milne-Edwards (1835-1900) French zoologist (‡Alectoris, syn. Casuarius bennetti westermanniLophura, syn. Porphyrio poliocephalus viridis).
● Edward Wilson (1808-1888) British naturalist, trochilidist, High Sheriff of Pembrokeshire (Amazilia).
● Prof. Henri Milne Edwards (1800-1885) French zoologist, father of Alphonse Milne-Edwards (syn. Ardeotis nigriceps, Bangsia, Calonectris, Carpodacus, syn. Nilaus aferPsittaculirostris).
● George Edwards (1694-1773) English traveller, naturalist, painter (syn. Anser caerulescens (ex "Blue-Winged Goose" of Edwards 1750) (Laurent Raty in litt.), syn. Crax rubra (ex “Curasso-Bird” of Edwards 1760), syn. Euplectes orix (ex "Grenadier" of Edwards 1751), ?syn. Limosa haemastica (ex "White Godwit from Hudson's Bay" of Edwards 1750), syn. Loriculus beryllinus, syn. Manacus manacus (ex “Black-capped Manakin” of Edwards 1758, and “Manakin à tête noire de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 303, fig. 1), syn. Neophema pulchella (ex “Perruche Edwards” of Levaillant 1801), syn. Phaethon lepturus catesbyi (ex “Tropick Bird” of Edwards 1750)).
● Dr Ernest Preston Edwards (1919-2011) US ornithologist, collector (syn. Dactylortyx thoracicus chiapensis).
● Edward Prince of Wales (1894-1972) later Edward VIII (reigned 1936, abdicated) and Duke of Windsor (subsp. Menura novaehollandiae).
Edward Charles Migdalski (1918-2009) US ichthyologist, collector, explorer, sportsman (syn. Spilopelia chinensis suratensis).
Edward Charles Stuart Baker (1864-1944) British ornithologist, oologist, Indian Police 1883-1912, collector (syn. Thalasseus bergii velox).
● Sir Edward Newton (1832-1897) British assistant colonial secretary on Mauritius 1859-1877, naturalist, collector in Madagascar 1861-1862, and Seychelles 1866 (Tylas) (NB. edwardnewtoni is a misspelling of eponym enewtoni).
● Sir Edward John Lees Hallstrom (1886-1970) Australian businessman, aviculturalist, philanthropist (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.) (subsp. Zapornia tabuensis).
● These eponyms were confused and frequently misspelled or mistakenly corrected (e.g. Tylas edwardsi).

Tylas Vanga (White-throated)
SCI Name: Tylas eduardi albigularis
albigulare / albigularis
L. albus  white; Mod. L. gularis  throated  < L. gula  throat.
● “Hellmayr proposed Automulus roraimae as a new name for Philydor albigularis Salvin and Godman on grounds that it was a homonym of Philydor albogularis Spix ... 1824 ... however under the International Rules albigularis and albogularis are different names” (Peters VII 1951); “Under the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature Art. 58 (8) these two names are homonymous variable spellings and under Arts. 57 and 59 (a) primary homonyms, so Hellmayr was correct and Vaurie was wrong” (Eisennann in Vaurie 1980) (syn. Automolus roraimae).