Gray Crowned-Crane

Gray Crowned-Crane / Balearica regulorum

Gray Crowned-Crane

Here the details of the Gray Crowned-Crane named bird below:

SCI Name:  Balearica regulorum
Protonym:  Anthropoïdes Regulorum Proc.Zool.Soc.London(1833) (1833), Pt1 no.11 p.118
Taxonomy:  Gruiformes / Gruidae /
Taxonomy Code:  grccra1
Type Locality:  South Africa.
Publish Year:  1834
IUCN Status:  


(Gruidae; Ϯ Black Crowned Crane B. pavonina) L. grui Balearicae  Balearic crane with a tufted head mentioned by Pliny. It is not known to which species Pliny referred, or even if it was a type of crane, although the Demoiselle Crane Anthropoides formerly occurred in Spain, and still migrates through the Nile valley, and it is possible that the Black Crowned Crane bred in the Nile delta or the marshes of Tunisia in classical times. Ulysses Aldrovandus 1599, gave the name grus Balearica to the latter sp., translated by Willughby 1676, as the ‘Balearic Crane’; "Balearica. Genus 84.  ...  La tête ornée d'une hupe composée de plumes ressemblantes à des racines de Chiendent.  **1. L'OISEAU-ROYAL.  ...  BALEARICA." (Brisson 1760): based on "Grus Balearica" of Aldrovandus 1599-1603, Ardea pavonina Linnaeus, 1758, and many other references; "Balearica Brisson, Orn., 1760, 1, p. 48; 5, p. 511. Type, by monotypy, Balearica Brisson = Ardea pavonina Linné." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 154).

balearica / balearicus
L. Baliaricus  Balearic, of the Balearic Is  < Baliares or Baleares  Balearic Is. (Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza, Formentera).

L. regulorum  of the kings, regal, crowned  < rex, regis  king  < regere  to rule.


Gray Crowned-Crane (gibbericeps)
SCI Name: Balearica regulorum gibbericeps
L. gibber, gibberis  hunch, hump  < gibber, gibbera  hunch-backed; -ceps  -headed  < caput, capitis  head.

Gray Crowned-Crane (regulorum)
SCI Name: Balearica regulorum regulorum
L. regulorum  of the kings, regal, crowned  < rex, regis  king  < regere  to rule.