Ring-necked Francolin

Ring-necked Francolin / Scleroptila streptophora

Ring-necked Francolin

Here the details of the Ring-necked Francolin named bird below:

SCI Name:  Scleroptila streptophora
Protonym:  Francolinus streptophorus Ibis p.126
Taxonomy:  Galliformes / Phasianidae /
Taxonomy Code:  rinfra2
Type Locality:  Eastern Africa, type from Mount Elgon.
Publish Year:  1891
IUCN Status:  


(Phasianidae; Ϯ Red-winged Francolin S. levaillantii) Gr. σκληρος sklēros  stiff; πτιλον ptilon  feather; "Genus PTERNESTIS, Wagler.  ...  Subgenus SCLEROPTILA, Blyth.   1496. SCL. LEVAILLANTII (Pl. Col. 477; A. Smith, Zool. S. Africa, Aves, pl. 85).  SYN. Perdix Levaillantii, Temminck.   ...  1497. SCL. AFRA.  SYN. Perdix afra, Latham" (Blyth 1849).
Var. SchlopteraScleroptera.

streptophora / streptophorus
Gr. στρεπτοφορος streptophoros  collared  < στρεπτος streptos  collar  < στρεφω strephō  to twist; -φορος -phoros  -carrying  < φερω pherō  to carry.