Common Woodshrike

Common Woodshrike / Tephrodornis pondicerianus

Common Woodshrike

Here the details of the Common Woodshrike named bird below:

SCI Name:  Tephrodornis pondicerianus
Protonym:  [Muscicapa] pondiceriana Syst.Nat. 1 pt2 p.939
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Vangidae /
Taxonomy Code:  comwoo1
Type Locality:  Tha Chang Tai [lat. 16° 51'' N., long. 99°03''E.], Thailand.
Publish Year:  1789
IUCN Status:  


(Vangidae; Ϯ Large Woodshrike T. virgatus) Gr. τεφρωδης tephrōdēs  like ashes, ash-coloured  < τεφρα tephra  ashes; ορνις ornis, ορνιθος ornithos  bird; "Genus, TEPHRODORNIS.  Rostrum validum, abrupte aduncum; plumæ capistri rigidæ recumbentes et nares abscondentes.  Pedes debiles, graciles; tarsus halluce longior; digiti laterales inæquales; ungues parvi.  Alæ mediocres latæ, oblique rotundatæ.  Cauda mediocris, æqualis vel lævissime bifurca.   Type.— Lanius virgatus, TEMM. Pl. Col., 256." (Swainson 1832); "Tephrodornis Swainson, 1832, in Swainson and Richardson, Fauna Bor.-Amer., 2 (1831), p. 482. Type, by original designation and monotypy, Lanius virgatus Temminck = Lanius gularis Raffles." (Deignan in Peters 1960, IX, 219).  Some authors suggest that this genus, together with Megabyas, Bias, and Hemipus, be separated in a new family,Tephrodornithidae.
Synon. Creurgus, Keroula, Tenthaca, Tephrolanius.

pondiceriana / pondicerianus / pondicherri
Pondichéry or Pondicherry, French India (= Puduchcheri, Tamil Nadu).
● ex “Bec-ouvert de Pondichéry” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 932, “Bec-ouvert” of de Buffon 1770-1786, and “Pondicherry Heron” of Latham 1785 (syn. Anastomus oscitans).
● ex “Perdrix du Pondichéry” of Sonnerat 1782, and “Pondicherry Partridge” of Latham 1783 (Francolinus).
● ex “Perruche de Pondichéry” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 517, “Perruche à moustaches” of de Buffon 1765-1781, and “Mustachoe Parrakeet” of Latham 1781 (syn. Psittacula alexandri).
● ex “Gobe-mouche de Pondichéry” of Sonnerat 1776, and “Coromandel Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (Tephrodornis).


Common Woodshrike (pallidus)
SCI Name: Tephrodornis pondicerianus pallidus
pallidum / pallidus
L. pallidus  pallid, pale, wan, sallow  < pallere  to be pale.
● ex “Pale Thrush” of Latham 1783 (Turdus).

Common Woodshrike (pondicerianus)
SCI Name: Tephrodornis pondicerianus pondicerianus
pondiceriana / pondicerianus / pondicherri
Pondichéry or Pondicherry, French India (= Puduchcheri, Tamil Nadu).
● ex “Bec-ouvert de Pondichéry” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 932, “Bec-ouvert” of de Buffon 1770-1786, and “Pondicherry Heron” of Latham 1785 (syn. Anastomus oscitans).
● ex “Perdrix du Pondichéry” of Sonnerat 1782, and “Pondicherry Partridge” of Latham 1783 (Francolinus).
● ex “Perruche de Pondichéry” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 517, “Perruche à moustaches” of de Buffon 1765-1781, and “Mustachoe Parrakeet” of Latham 1781 (syn. Psittacula alexandri).
● ex “Gobe-mouche de Pondichéry” of Sonnerat 1776, and “Coromandel Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (Tephrodornis).

Common Woodshrike (orientis)
SCI Name: Tephrodornis pondicerianus orientis
L. oriens, orientis east.