
Dovekie / Alle alle


Here the details of the Dovekie named bird below:

SCI Name:  Alle alle
Protonym:  Alca Alle Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.131
Taxonomy:  Charadriiformes / Alcidae /
Taxonomy Code:  doveki
Type Locality:  Ocean of Arctic Europe and America; restricted type locality, Scotland.
Publish Year:  1758
IUCN Status:  


(Alcidae; Little Auk A. alle) Specific name Alca alle Linnaeus, 1758; "ALLE nigricans.  Schwärzliche Alle.  Alca Alle. Bechst. Orn. Tasch. 2 Th. S. 389.†.  Dieser Vogel unterscheidet sich sehr von der vorigen Gattung [Alca]; denn der Schnabel ist keinesweges so zusammengedrückt, sondern ziemlich dick, ungefurcht, mittelmäßig lang und fast ganz konisch. Er ist selten bey uns. Das Exemplar ist aus der Sammlung des Hn. Dr. Detharding." (Link 1806); "Alle Link, Beschr. Naturh. Samml. Univ. Rostock, 1, p. 46, 1806—type, by monotypy [and tautonymy], Alle nigricans Link = Alca alle Linnaeus." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (3), p. 345).
Synon. Arctica, Cephus, Mergulus, Plautus.

Allē, the Lapp name of the Long-tailed Duck” (BOU 1915); “Actually alle is a widespread and well-known dialectal name for the Long-tailed Duck Clangula hyemalis. The name is onomatopoeic and, like the first syllable in alfågel (the modern Swedish name), alludes to the beautiful call of the male which is usually transcribed as ‘a-AU-li’ or something similar. Linnaeus, as far as I know, never visited the Baltic coast during the winter or early spring and probably had only heard of the alle at second hand. Presumably he thought that this light-coloured seabird which only occurred in winter was the same as the Little Auk which he ...had only read about. Linnaeus did know of the Long-tailed Duck, but managed to partially confuse it with the Pintail” (Tommy Tyrberg in litt.); "a local [Swedish] dialectal name from ...Öland ...used for the ...Black Guillemot Cepphus grylle" (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.); "63. ALCA.  ...  Alle.  6. A. rostro lævi conico, abdomine fasciaque alarum alba, pedibus nigris.  Columba grœnlandica. Alb. av. l. p. 81. t. 85. Edw. av. 91. t. 91.  Mergus melanoleucus, rostro acuto brevi. Will. orn. 261. t. 59. Raj. av. 125. n. 5.  Habitat in Europæ, Americæ arcticæ oceanoPræcedentis feminam esse statuit Albinus, negant Edwardus & nostrates." (Linnaeus 1758) (Alle).

(Alcidae; Little Auk A. alle) Specific name Alca alle Linnaeus, 1758; "ALLE nigricans.  Schwärzliche Alle.  Alca Alle. Bechst. Orn. Tasch. 2 Th. S. 389.†.  Dieser Vogel unterscheidet sich sehr von der vorigen Gattung [Alca]; denn der Schnabel ist keinesweges so zusammengedrückt, sondern ziemlich dick, ungefurcht, mittelmäßig lang und fast ganz konisch. Er ist selten bey uns. Das Exemplar ist aus der Sammlung des Hn. Dr. Detharding." (Link 1806); "Alle Link, Beschr. Naturh. Samml. Univ. Rostock, 1, p. 46, 1806—type, by monotypy [and tautonymy], Alle nigricans Link = Alca alle Linnaeus." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (3), p. 345).
Synon. Arctica, Cephus, Mergulus, Plautus.

Allē, the Lapp name of the Long-tailed Duck” (BOU 1915); “Actually alle is a widespread and well-known dialectal name for the Long-tailed Duck Clangula hyemalis. The name is onomatopoeic and, like the first syllable in alfågel (the modern Swedish name), alludes to the beautiful call of the male which is usually transcribed as ‘a-AU-li’ or something similar. Linnaeus, as far as I know, never visited the Baltic coast during the winter or early spring and probably had only heard of the alle at second hand. Presumably he thought that this light-coloured seabird which only occurred in winter was the same as the Little Auk which he ...had only read about. Linnaeus did know of the Long-tailed Duck, but managed to partially confuse it with the Pintail” (Tommy Tyrberg in litt.); "a local [Swedish] dialectal name from ...Öland ...used for the ...Black Guillemot Cepphus grylle" (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.); "63. ALCA.  ...  Alle.  6. A. rostro lævi conico, abdomine fasciaque alarum alba, pedibus nigris.  Columba grœnlandica. Alb. av. l. p. 81. t. 85. Edw. av. 91. t. 91.  Mergus melanoleucus, rostro acuto brevi. Will. orn. 261. t. 59. Raj. av. 125. n. 5.  Habitat in Europæ, Americæ arcticæ oceanoPræcedentis feminam esse statuit Albinus, negant Edwardus & nostrates." (Linnaeus 1758) (Alle).


Dovekie (alle)
SCI Name: Alle alle alle
(Alcidae; Little Auk A. alle) Specific name Alca alle Linnaeus, 1758; "ALLE nigricans.  Schwärzliche Alle.  Alca Alle. Bechst. Orn. Tasch. 2 Th. S. 389.†.  Dieser Vogel unterscheidet sich sehr von der vorigen Gattung [Alca]; denn der Schnabel ist keinesweges so zusammengedrückt, sondern ziemlich dick, ungefurcht, mittelmäßig lang und fast ganz konisch. Er ist selten bey uns. Das Exemplar ist aus der Sammlung des Hn. Dr. Detharding." (Link 1806); "Alle Link, Beschr. Naturh. Samml. Univ. Rostock, 1, p. 46, 1806—type, by monotypy [and tautonymy], Alle nigricans Link = Alca alle Linnaeus." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (3), p. 345).
Synon. Arctica, Cephus, Mergulus, Plautus.

Dovekie (polaris)
SCI Name: Alle alle polaris
Mod. L. polaris of the North Pole, polar < Med. L. polaris heavenly < L. polus pole, end of an axis.