Loetoe Monarch

Loetoe Monarch / Carterornis castus

Loetoe Monarch

Here the details of the Loetoe Monarch named bird below:

SCI Name:  Carterornis castus
Protonym:  Monarcha castus Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt1 p.53 pl.12 fig.1
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Monarchidae /
Taxonomy Code:  loemon1
Type Locality:  Loetoe (= Lutu) Island, Timor Laut (= Tanimbar).
Publish Year:  1883
IUCN Status:  


(Monarchidae; Ϯ White-eared Monarch C. leucotis) Thomas Carter (1863-1931) English ornithologist, collector, pastoralist, explorer in Australia 1886-1921; Gr. ορνις ornis, ορνιθος ornithos  bird; "752. CARTERORNIS, gen. nov.  Differs from Piezorhynchus in its weaker bill and feet and in its different wing-formula: the third, fourth, fifth and sixth primaries are sub-equal and longest, the seventh longer than the second which is about twice the length of the first, the eighth sub-equal with second; from Symposiachrus in its longer narrower bill and different wing-formula.  Type, Monarcha leucotis Gould." (Mathews 1912); "Carterornis Mathews, 1912. Austral. Av. Rec. 1: 111.  Type, by original designation, Monarcha leucotis Gould." (Beehler and Pratt, 2016, Birds New Guinea, p. 449).
Synon. Chloromonarcha, Monarchanax.

L. castus  spotless, pure.