Lesser Masked-Owl

Lesser Masked-Owl / Tyto sororcula

Lesser Masked-Owl

Here the details of the Lesser Masked-Owl named bird below:

SCI Name:  Tyto sororcula
Protonym:  Strix sororcula Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt1 p.52
Taxonomy:  Strigiformes / Tytonidae /
Taxonomy Code:  lemowl1
Type Locality:  
Publish Year:  1883
IUCN Status:  


(Tytonidae; Ϯ Common Barn Owl T. alba) Gr. τυτω tutō, τυτους tutous  owl, night-owl; the Common Barn Owl is the most widespread owl in the world, although recent work suggests that some of its subspecies, for example in the Americas and in Australasia, should be elevated to specific status; "1. Strix,  2. Tyto B. (Strix Savigny)." (Billberg 1828); "Tyto Billberg, Syn. Faun. Scand., 1, pt. 2, 1828, tab. A.  Type, by monotypy, Strix flammea auct. = Strix alba Scopoli." (Peters 1940, IV, 77).
Synon. Aluco, Dactylostrix, Eustrinx, Flammea, Glaucostrix, Glaux, Glyphidiura, Heliodilus, Hybris, Megastrix, Nyctimene, Scelostrix, Stridula, Strigymnhemipus, Strix.
● (syn. Strix Ϯ Brown Wood Owl S. leptogrammica) "Genus Tyto Heine [Myrtha (!) Bp. 1854]" (Heine 1890).  A purist replacement name.

L. sororcula  little sister  < dim. soror, sororis  sister (i.e. related).
● “a species allied to Strix novæhollandiae, but easily recognizable by its inferior size” (P. Sclater 1883) (subsp. Tyto novaehollandiae).


Lesser Masked-Owl (Buru)
SCI Name: Tyto sororcula cayelii
cayelii / cayellii
Cayeli / Kayeli, Buru, Moluccas, Indonesia.

Lesser Masked-Owl (Tanimbar)
SCI Name: Tyto sororcula sororcula
L. sororcula  little sister  < dim. soror, sororis  sister (i.e. related).
● “a species allied to Strix novæhollandiae, but easily recognizable by its inferior size” (P. Sclater 1883) (subsp. Tyto novaehollandiae).