Bearded Guan

Bearded Guan / Penelope barbata

Bearded Guan

Here the details of the Bearded Guan named bird below:

SCI Name:  Penelope barbata
Protonym:  Penelope barbata Am.Mus.Novit. no.18 p.3
Taxonomy:  Galliformes / Cracidae /
Taxonomy Code:  beagua1
Type Locality:  Taraguacocha, Zaruma-Zaragura Trail, Cordillera de Chilla, Prov. del Oro, Ecuador; alt. 9750-11000 ft.
Publish Year:  1921
IUCN Status:  


(Cracidae; Ϯ Marail Guan P. marail) Probably arbitrary, from Gr. myth. Penelope, a Greek princess, daughter of Icarius and wife of Ulysses, King of Ithaca, and who spun a braided web or tapestry to deceive many importunate admirers during the long absence of her husband at the siege of Troy. She had promised to choose amongst them upon the completion of the tapestry, but every night unravelled the previous days labour! (cf. "LES GUANS ou JACOUS  ...  Celui de Pénélope qui leur a été imposé par Merrem, désignait, chez les grecs, une espèce de canard qui, disait-on, avait sauvé des eaux la femme d'Ulysse dans son enfance." (Cuvier 1816)). Teixeira 1995, suggested that the generic term is correctly named after Penelope, in allusion to the reticulated pattern on the breast and foreneck of many guans. Another source, citing Penelope’s promiscuity, identifies her web as the limb and facial tattooes worn by woodland revellers during orgies dedicated to the mountain goddess (Gr. πηνη pēnē  thread, web; ωπε ōpe  aspect, look).  Perhaps an allusion to the partial crest of the Marail Guan compared to the full crest of the Common Piping Guan Pipile pipile described (Weishaubiger YakuPenelope leucolophos) in the pages and plate XII following (i.e. L. pene  almost, nearly; Gr. λοφος lophos  crest); "GRÜNGLÄNZENDEN YAKU  ...  Der Kopf ist klein, und mit einer niedrigen Holle (crista) längerer Federn bekleidet. Nach EDWARDS soll man sie auch ohne Holle antreffen, wodurch seiner Meynung nach die Männchen von dem Weibchen sich unterscheiden  ...  [plate XI] Grünglänzender Yaku. Penelope Jacupema" (Merrem 1786); "Penelope Merrem, Av. rar. Icon. et Descr., 1786, fasc. 2, p. 39. Type, by subsequent designation, Penelope marail Gmelin = Penelope iacupema Merrem = Phasianus marail P. L. S. Müller. (Lesson, Man. d'Orn., 2, 1828, p. 214.)" (Peters 1934, II, 12).
Var. PonolopePenelophe.
Synon. GanixGouan, Salpiza, Stegnolaema.
● (syn. Aythya Ϯ Common Pochard A. ferina) Gr. πηνελοψ pēnelops, πηνελοπος pēnelopos  type of duck; "19. LE MILLOUIN.  ...  PENELOPE" (Brisson 1760): based on "Penelops primus" of Aldrovandus 1599-1603, "Penelope" of Jonston 1650-1653 and Charleton 1668, and Anas ferina Linnaeus, 1758.

L. penelops, penelopis  type of duck  < Gr. πηνελοψ pēnelops, πηνελοπος pēnelopos  type of duck with purple stripes which was said to have rescued and fed Penelope after her parents had thrown her into the sea  < πηνη pēnē  braid, woof; ωψ ōps, ωπος ōpos  appearance; "Penelopes  ...  Judging from p. 148 of the original work the singular of this word is 'Penelops,' and it is probably by mistake that the Wigeon has been called Mareca penelope" (Evans 1903);“The name penelope was given to the Widgeon because of its supposed conjugal fidelity” (Phillips 1923); "61. ANAS.  ...  Penelope.  24. A. cauda acutiuscula subtus nigra, capite brunneo, fronte alba. Fn. svec. 105.  Penelope. Gesn. av. 108. Aldr. orn. l. 19. c. 38. Jonst. av. l. 49. Will. orn. 288. t. 72. Raj. av. 146.  Anas fistularis. Alb. av. 2. p. 88. t. 99.  Habitat in Europæ maritimis & paludibus." (Linnaeus 1758) (Mareca).

L. barbatus  bearded  < barba  beard (e.g. distinctive throat patch; moustachial or beard-like markings; puffy or elongated throat feathers; lengthy or numerous rictal bristles) (see barbatus).
● "die Kehlfedern sind auffallend lang  ...  Da über die Herkunft keine sicheren Nachrichten vorliegen, so kann zunächst nur durch diese kurze Beschreibung auf die eigentümliche Form aufmerksam gemacht werden, die ich ihrer langen Kehlfedern wegen mit C. barbata bezeichnen möchte." (Reichenow 1896) (subsp. Alectoris barbara).
● "E merita speciale considerazione il mento pennuto  ...  Per questi motivi io credo di possedere il tipo di una specie non ancora descritta, alla quale attribuisco il nome di G. barbata, considerando più importante di ogni altro carattere quello del mento pennuto." (Ghigi 1905) (subsp. Guttera edouardi).
● “Similar to Penelope argyrotis Bonap. but much darker throughout, the chin and upper throat feathered, wholly concealing the skin” (Chapman 1921) (Penelope).
● "Str. capite lævi, rostro iridibusque flavis, corpore cinereo, gula regioneque periophthalmica atris, remige sesquialtera serrata." (Latham 1790) (syn. Strix nebulosa lapponica).