Golden-collared Manakin

Golden-collared Manakin / Manacus vitellinus

Golden-collared Manakin

Here the details of the Golden-collared Manakin named bird below:

SCI Name:  Manacus vitellinus
Protonym:  Pipra vitellina Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt11 no.126 p.103
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Pipridae /
Taxonomy Code:  gocman1
Type Locality:  Panama; type from Panama City, fide Wetmore, 1972, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 150(3) p. 339.
Publish Year:  1843
IUCN Status:  


(Pipridae; Ϯ White-bearded Manakin M. manacus) Dutch manneken  pretty little thing; “Manakin  ...  Manakins, EDW. [1758] ...  Manacus of Brisson  ...  Manacus from the Dutch, Manakin, the name they bear in Surinam” (Pennant 1773). Sick 1993, suggested that the term “manaquim” is derived from an Amazonian Amerindian name; "Le Genre du Manakin (1)  ...  (1) Manakin nom qu'ont donné les Hollandois à quelques especes de ce genre  ...  Manacus nomen latinum ex nomine Belgico Manakin a me conflatum" (Brisson 1760): based on "Avis anonyma secunda" of Marcgrave 1648, and "Black-capped Manakin" or "Manaquin chaperonné de noir" of Edwards 1758-1764; "Manacus Brisson, 1760, Ornithologie, 4, p. 442. Type, by tautonymy, "Manacus" Brisson = Pipra manacus Linnaeus." (Snow in Peters 1979, VIII, 260). 
Var. Manacina, Manakina.
Synon. AntoltaChiromachaeris.

Manacus from the Dutch, Manakin, the name they bear in Surinam” (Pennant 1773); ex “Black-capped Manakin” of Edwards 1758, and “Manacus” of Brisson 1760 (Manacus).

vitellina / vitellinus
Med. L. vitellinus  vitelline, deep yellow colour tinged red  < L. vitellus  yolk of an egg.


Golden-collared Manakin (vitellinus)
SCI Name: Manacus vitellinus vitellinus
vitellina / vitellinus
Med. L. vitellinus  vitelline, deep yellow colour tinged red  < L. vitellus  yolk of an egg.

Golden-collared Manakin (amitinus)
SCI Name: Manacus vitellinus amitinus
L. amitinus  cousin  < amita  paternal aunt.

Golden-collared Manakin (milleri)
SCI Name: Manacus vitellinus milleri
milleri / millerii
● “Miller’s Emerald was first described by M. Bourcier of Paris ...the specific name of Milleri being adopted by him from the late Mr George Loddiges’ MSS. It is not known why Mr Loddiges gave the bird this specific appellation, unless it was from a desire to perpetuate the name of a surgeon in the Royal Navy, who paid considerable attention to the Hummingbirds while stationed on the Pacific side of South America” (Gould 1861). Michael Watkins in litt., believed that the person commemorated was William Miller (1796-1882) an engraver and water-colourist who illustrated many plants from the Loddiges' nursery (subsp. Amazilia versicolor).
● Prof. Loye Holmes Miller (1874-1970) US zoologist, palaeontologist (‡Buteogallus, ‡Chendytes, ‡subsp. Dendragapus gilli, syn. Molothrus bonariensis, Mycteria).
● Aleksandr Yakovlevich Miller (1868-1940) Russian diplomat, Consul in Persian Baluchistan 1900-1901, Consul-Gen. in Mongolia 1913-1916, Consul in Bukhara 1917 (subsp. Dendrocopos syriacus).
● Leo Edward Miller (1887-1952) US collector in tropical America 1910-1917 (Grallaria, subsp. Manacus vitellinus, Microxenops).
● Waldron De Witt Miller (1879-1929) US zoologist (Polytmus).

Golden-collared Manakin (viridiventris)
SCI Name: Manacus vitellinus viridiventris
L. viridis  green  < virere  to be green; venter, ventris  belly.