Crested Duck

Crested Duck / Lophonetta specularioides

Crested Duck

Here the details of the Crested Duck named bird below:

SCI Name:  Lophonetta specularioides
Protonym:  Anas specularioides Zool.J. 4 p.98
Taxonomy:  Anseriformes / Anatidae /
Taxonomy Code:  creduc1
Type Locality:  Straits of Magellan.
Publish Year:  1828
IUCN Status:  


(Anatidae; Ϯ Crested Duck L. specularioides) Gr. λοφος lophos  crest; νηττα nētta  duck; "Count Salvadori [Cat. Birds Br. Mus., xxvii, 1895, 217.] says of Anas cristata: "This species is not a very typical member of the genus Anas." When a species does not conform to the diagnosis of a genus or does not fit in one without making it too elastic, I believe that it is best to remove such species, and accordingly I propose Lophonetta with Anas cristata Gmelin as the type, with the following diagnosis: Differs from Anas in possessing a hair-like nuchal crest; in the middle tail-feathers being lengthened, broad, and acute, not recurved; and in having the tail composed only of 14 feathers instead of 18-20." (Riley 1914); "Lophonetta Riley, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 27, 1914, p. 100. Type, by original designation, Anas cristata Gmelin.   ...   Anas specularioides King, Zoöl. Journ., 4, 1828, p. 98. (Straits of Magellan.)...  1 Anas cristata Gmelin, the earliest name for this species, is preoccupied by Anas cristata J. B. Fischer, Vers. Nat. Livland, 1778, p. 81." (Peters 1931, I, 158, 165).

Specific name Anas specularis P. King, 1828; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; "55.  Another apparently undescribed species of the Anatidæ.  ...  Nothing can be more brilliant than the speculum of the bird I am about to describe.   ANAS SPECULARIS.    ...    56.  A second species of Duck, very similar to the last; but distinct.  ANAS SPECULARIOIDES.  ...  The general appearance of this bird is similar to that of the last; and it might at first sight be taken for the female, or a young male of the species; the latter more particularly, as it is apparently a young bird.  The bill however differs in shape, the speculum is narrower, and the white streak in the wing broader than in the last species; while the legs are black, not red.  The colours of the under wing coverts will be seen also to differ." (P. P. King 1828) (Lophonetta).


Crested Duck (alticola)
SCI Name: Lophonetta specularioides alticola
L. altus  high (i.e. highland, mountain)  < alere  to nourish; -cola  dweller  < colere  to inhabit.
● Erroneous TL. Fife, N.E. Rhodesia, near Nyasaland border (= Isoka, Northern Rhodesia / Zambia); "Cisticola alticola  ...  Not a Cisticola (cf. steeply graduated tail of long narrow feathers; broad-based, fine-pointed first primary; lores coloured with head-top, &c.), but nearer Apalis and allies." (Lynes 1930) (Apalis).

Crested Duck (specularioides)
SCI Name: Lophonetta specularioides specularioides
Specific name Anas specularis P. King, 1828; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; "55.  Another apparently undescribed species of the Anatidæ.  ...  Nothing can be more brilliant than the speculum of the bird I am about to describe.   ANAS SPECULARIS.    ...    56.  A second species of Duck, very similar to the last; but distinct.  ANAS SPECULARIOIDES.  ...  The general appearance of this bird is similar to that of the last; and it might at first sight be taken for the female, or a young male of the species; the latter more particularly, as it is apparently a young bird.  The bill however differs in shape, the speculum is narrower, and the white streak in the wing broader than in the last species; while the legs are black, not red.  The colours of the under wing coverts will be seen also to differ." (P. P. King 1828) (Lophonetta).