Spot-winged Starling

Spot-winged Starling / Saroglossa spilopterus

Spot-winged Starling

Here the details of the Spot-winged Starling named bird below:

SCI Name:  Saroglossa spilopterus
Protonym:  Lamprotornis spilopterus Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt1 no.3 p.35
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Sturnidae /
Taxonomy Code:  spwsta1
Type Locality:  Himalayas, restricted to Simla- Almora district by Ticehurst and Whistler (1924, Ibis, p. 471).
Publish Year:  1831
IUCN Status:  


(Sturnidae; Ϯ Spot-winged Starling S. spilopterus) Gr. σαρον saron  broom  < σαιρω sairō  to sweep; γλωσσα glōssa  tongue; "The other species is L. spilopterus, Vigors, figured in Gould's Century, an inhabitant of Nepâl and the hill ranges of Assam, upon which Mr. Hodgson founds his genus Saroglossa, referring it to the Meliphagidæ, and which he characterises as follows:—Genus Saroglossa, H.   Bill Chloropsian, but stouter. Tongue cartilaginous, flat, furnished with a full brush forwards. Wings considerably acuminated and firm, 1st quill bastard, 3rd longest, 2nd and 4th equal, and rather less than the third. Tail firm, stoutish, subfurcate. Legs and feet strong, arboreal, and subrepatory. Tarsus (to sole) exceeding the mid-toe and claw: heavily scaled to the front; smooth to sides, and cultrated behind. Toes medial, unequal; the hind one large and depressed. Nails acute, well curved, suited for creeping or clinging.  Type, Lamprotornis spilopterus, Vigors.  Habits monticolous and arboreal, feeding like Chloropsis, to which genus and to Hypsipetes, Brachypus, &c., it has most affinity, both of structure and manners, seeming to represent the Sturnine birds in its own group." (Hodgson 1844).
Var. Psaroglossa (Gr. ψαρ psar  starling), Sarraglossa, Saraglossa.

spiloptera / spilopterus
Gr. σπιλος spilos  spot; -πτερος -pteros  -winged  < πτερον pteron  wing.