Spot-throated Babbler

Spot-throated Babbler / Pellorneum albiventre

Spot-throated Babbler

Here the details of the Spot-throated Babbler named bird below:

SCI Name:  Pellorneum albiventre
Protonym:  Neornis albiventris J.Asiat.Soc.Bengal 45(1876) p.199
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Pellorneidae /
Taxonomy Code:  sptbab1
Type Locality:  Sengmai, Manipur.
Publish Year:  1877
IUCN Status:  


(Pellorneidae; Ϯ Puff-throated Babbler P. ruficeps) Gr. πελλος pellos  dark-coloured, dusky; ορνεον orneon  bird  < ορνις ornis, ορνιθος ornithos  bird; "Genus, PELLORNEUM*.   ...   Bill moderate, straight, somewhat conic; the tip notched.  Gonys ascending.  Frontal feathers small, rigid, directed forward.  Rictus bristled.  Wings very short, much rounded.  Tail moderate, graduated.  Tarsus and middle toe of equal length; lateral toes much shorter, equal.  Anterior claws very small, and but slightly curved.  Hinder toe shorter than the middle.  Anterior scales scarcely divided.   Type.—Pellorneum ruficeps, above brown, beneath fulvous white, striped with brown; chin white immaculate; front and crown rufous.  Inhabits India. MUS. NOST.   OBS.—This genus represents, or rather passes into Phyllastrephus; thus connecting the Crateropodinæ and the Brachypodinæ. From the former it is distinguished by its more slender thrush-like feet, its small slightly curved claws, &c. The general appearance of the only species I have yet seen, and which is from India, is that of a small thrush, but resembling a Timalia.   ...   *Th. πελλος fuscus, et ορνεον avis." (Swainson 1831).
Var. Pelorneum, Pellornium.
Synon. Bessethera, Cinclidia, Drymocataphus, Scotocichla.

albiventer / albiventre / albiventris
L. albus  white; venter, ventris  belly.
● ex “Drongri à Ventre Blanc” of Levaillant 1805, pl. 171 (syn. Dicrurus leucophaeus).
● ex “Martin-pêcheur de l’Île de Luçon” of Sonnerat 1776 (Halcyon).
● ex “Hirondelle à ventre blanc de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 546, fig. 2 (Tachycineta).


Spot-throated Babbler (ignotum)
SCI Name: Pellorneum albiventre ignotum
ignotum / ignotus
L. ignotus  unknown, obscure  < in-  not; notus  known  < gnoscere (old form of noscere)  to know.

Spot-throated Babbler (albiventre)
SCI Name: Pellorneum albiventre albiventre
albiventer / albiventre / albiventris
L. albus  white; venter, ventris  belly.
● ex “Drongri à Ventre Blanc” of Levaillant 1805, pl. 171 (syn. Dicrurus leucophaeus).
● ex “Martin-pêcheur de l’Île de Luçon” of Sonnerat 1776 (Halcyon).
● ex “Hirondelle à ventre blanc de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 546, fig. 2 (Tachycineta).

Spot-throated Babbler (cinnamomeum)
SCI Name: Pellorneum albiventre cinnamomeum
cinnamomeum / cinnamomeus
Mod. L. cinnamomeus  cinnamon-coloured, cinnamomeous  < L. cinnamomum or cinnamum  cinnamon  < Gr. κινναμωμον kinnamōmon or κινναμον kinnamon  cinnamon.
● ex “Cinnamon Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (Attila).
● ex “Pic jaune tacheté de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 524, “Pic mordoré” of de Buffon 1770-17783, and “Ferruginous Woodpecker” of Latham 1782, and Pennant 1785 (syn. Celeus elegans).
● ex “Cinnamon Creeper” of Latham 1782 (Certhiaxis).
● ex “Cinnamon Heron” of Latham 1785 (Ixobrychus).

Spot-throated Babbler (pusillum)
SCI Name: Pellorneum albiventre pusillum
pusillum / pusillus
L. pusillus  tiny, very small  < dim. pusus  little boy  < puer  boy.
● ex “Chevechette” of Levaillant 1799, pl. 46 (syn. Glaucidium passerinum).
● ex “Petit Guêpier du Sénégal” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 318 (Merops).
● ex “Barbion” of Levaillant 1806 (Pogoniulus).
● ex "Lesser Black Promerops" of Latham 1822 (syn. Scoptelus aterrimus).
● ex “Sucrion” of Levaillant 1812, pl. 298 (Cinnyris artefact).