Curve-billed Thrasher

Curve-billed Thrasher / Toxostoma curvirostre

Curve-billed Thrasher

Here the details of the Curve-billed Thrasher named bird below:

SCI Name:  Toxostoma curvirostre
Protonym:  Orpheus curvirostris Philos.Mag.n.s. n.s., 1 p.369
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Mimidae /
Taxonomy Code:  cubthr
Type Locality:  Table land [of Mexico].
Publish Year:  1827
IUCN Status:  


(Mimidae; Ϯ Curve-billed Thrasher T. curvirostre) Gr. τοξον toxon   bow, arch; στομα stoma, στοματος stomatos  mouth; "Genus Toxostoma, Bogenschnabel. (Genus novum.)   54. Toxostoma Vetula (species nova).  Notaeo toto e fuliginoso-cinereo, exclusa alae flexura albida et macula in apice rectricum quaternarum, externarum candida (versus rectrices interiores sensim minore); gastraeo toto albido, fusco-cinereo nubilo; rostro arcuato nigro. Adult.   Chietotottotl Hernand. Thes. p. 31. cap. 80." (Wagler 1831); "Toxostoma Wagler, 1831, Isis von Oken, 24, p. 528. Type, by monotypy, Toxostoma vetula Wagler = Orpheus curvirostris Swainson." (Davis & Miller in Peters 1960, IX, 449).
Var. Toxastoma, Taxostoma.
Synon. Antimimus, Harpes, Harporhynchus, Methriopterus.

curvirostra / curvirostre / curvirostris
L. curvus  curved, bent; -rostris  -billed  < rostrum  beak.
● ex “Sirli du Cap de Bonne Espérance” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (Certhilauda).
● "96. LOXIA.  ...  Curvirostra.  1. L. rostro forficato. Fn. svec. 177.  Loxia. Gesn. av. 592. Aldr. orn. l. 12. c. 47. Charl. onom. 68. t. 68. Will. orn. 181. t. 44. Raj. av. 86. Alb. orn. I. p. 58. t. 61. Frisch. av. 2. t. 11. f. 3. 4.  Habitat in Europæ Abietis, strobilos enucleans, at non in ipsa arbore, disseminator Abietis rostro singulari." (Linnaeus 1758) (Loxia).
● ex “Malkoha Rouverdin” of Levaillant 1807, pl. 225 (Phaenicophaeus).
● ex "Hook-billed Pigeon" of Latham 1783 (Treron).
● ex “Loggerhead” of Sloane 1725, and “Grande Sitelle à bec crochu” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (?syn. Tyrannus caudifasciatus).
● ex “Collurio madagascariensis” of Brisson 1760 (Vanga).


Curve-billed Thrasher (curvirostre Group)
SCI Name: Toxostoma curvirostre [curvirostre Group]
(Mimidae; Ϯ Curve-billed Thrasher T. curvirostre) Gr. τοξον toxon   bow, arch; στομα stoma, στοματος stomatos  mouth; "Genus Toxostoma, Bogenschnabel. (Genus novum.)   54. Toxostoma Vetula (species nova).  Notaeo toto e fuliginoso-cinereo, exclusa alae flexura albida et macula in apice rectricum quaternarum, externarum candida (versus rectrices interiores sensim minore); gastraeo toto albido, fusco-cinereo nubilo; rostro arcuato nigro. Adult.   Chietotottotl Hernand. Thes. p. 31. cap. 80." (Wagler 1831); "Toxostoma Wagler, 1831, Isis von Oken, 24, p. 528. Type, by monotypy, Toxostoma vetula Wagler = Orpheus curvirostris Swainson." (Davis & Miller in Peters 1960, IX, 449).
Var. Toxastoma, Taxostoma.
Synon. Antimimus, Harpes, Harporhynchus, Methriopterus.

Curve-billed Thrasher (palmeri Group)
SCI Name: Toxostoma curvirostre [palmeri Group]
(Mimidae; Ϯ Curve-billed Thrasher T. curvirostre) Gr. τοξον toxon   bow, arch; στομα stoma, στοματος stomatos  mouth; "Genus Toxostoma, Bogenschnabel. (Genus novum.)   54. Toxostoma Vetula (species nova).  Notaeo toto e fuliginoso-cinereo, exclusa alae flexura albida et macula in apice rectricum quaternarum, externarum candida (versus rectrices interiores sensim minore); gastraeo toto albido, fusco-cinereo nubilo; rostro arcuato nigro. Adult.   Chietotottotl Hernand. Thes. p. 31. cap. 80." (Wagler 1831); "Toxostoma Wagler, 1831, Isis von Oken, 24, p. 528. Type, by monotypy, Toxostoma vetula Wagler = Orpheus curvirostris Swainson." (Davis & Miller in Peters 1960, IX, 449).
Var. Toxastoma, Taxostoma.
Synon. Antimimus, Harpes, Harporhynchus, Methriopterus.