Red-necked Woodpecker

Red-necked Woodpecker / Campephilus rubricollis

Red-necked Woodpecker

Here the details of the Red-necked Woodpecker named bird below:

SCI Name:  Campephilus rubricollis
Protonym:  Picus rubricollis TablePlanchesEnlum. p.37
Taxonomy:  Piciformes / Picidae /
Taxonomy Code:  renwoo1
Type Locality:  Cayenne, ex Daubenton, pi. 612.
Publish Year:  1783
IUCN Status:  


(Picidae; Ϯ Ivory-billed Woodpecker C. principalis) Gr. καμπη kampē  caterpillar; φιλος philos  lover; "CAMPEPHILUS, n.  Picus, L. Sw.  Dendrocopus, Boie.   C. principalis, (L.) n.,  Pl. enl. 690." (G. Gray 1840); "Campephilus G. R. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 54.  Type, by original designation, Picus principalis Linnaeus." (AOU Checklist, 7th ed., 1998, p. 346).
Var. Campiphilus, Campophilus.
Synon. Cniparchus, Dendrocopus, Ipocrantor, Megalopipo, MegapicosPhloeoceastes, Scapaneus.

L. ruber  red; Mod. L. -collis  -necked, -throated  < L. collum  neck.
● ex "Grand pic hupé à tête rouge de Cayenne" of d'Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 612, "Pic à cou rouge" of de Buffon 1770-1785, and "Red-necked Woodpecker" of Latham 1782 (Campephilus).
● ex “Gros-bec de la Louisiane” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 153, fig. 2 (syn. Hedymeles ludovicianus).
● ex “Urraca degollada” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 56 (syn. Pyroderus scutatus).
● ex “Muscicapa cayenensis nigra major” of Brisson 1760, “Gobe-mouche noir à gorge pourpre de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 381, “Piauhau” of de Buffon 1770-1785 (from its shrill cry “pihauhau”), and “Purple-throated Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (syn. Querula purpurata).
● ex “Grèbe à joues grises” or “Jougris” of de Buffon 1770-1786, and “Red-necked Grebe” of Pennant 1785, and of Latham 1785 (syn. Podiceps griseigena).
● ex “Perdrix rouge d’Afrique” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 180, and “Red-necked Partridge” of Latham 1783 (syn. Pternistis cranchii).
● ex “Tangara varié à tête bleue de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 33, fig. 2 (syn. Tangara cyanocephala).
● ex “Red-necked Plover” of Latham 1785 (syn. Thinornis cucullatus).


Red-necked Woodpecker (rubricollis)
SCI Name: Campephilus rubricollis rubricollis
L. ruber  red; Mod. L. -collis  -necked, -throated  < L. collum  neck.
● ex "Grand pic hupé à tête rouge de Cayenne" of d'Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 612, "Pic à cou rouge" of de Buffon 1770-1785, and "Red-necked Woodpecker" of Latham 1782 (Campephilus).
● ex “Gros-bec de la Louisiane” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 153, fig. 2 (syn. Hedymeles ludovicianus).
● ex “Urraca degollada” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 56 (syn. Pyroderus scutatus).
● ex “Muscicapa cayenensis nigra major” of Brisson 1760, “Gobe-mouche noir à gorge pourpre de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 381, “Piauhau” of de Buffon 1770-1785 (from its shrill cry “pihauhau”), and “Purple-throated Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (syn. Querula purpurata).
● ex “Grèbe à joues grises” or “Jougris” of de Buffon 1770-1786, and “Red-necked Grebe” of Pennant 1785, and of Latham 1785 (syn. Podiceps griseigena).
● ex “Perdrix rouge d’Afrique” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 180, and “Red-necked Partridge” of Latham 1783 (syn. Pternistis cranchii).
● ex “Tangara varié à tête bleue de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 33, fig. 2 (syn. Tangara cyanocephala).
● ex “Red-necked Plover” of Latham 1785 (syn. Thinornis cucullatus).

Red-necked Woodpecker (trachelopyrus)
SCI Name: Campephilus rubricollis trachelopyrus
Gr. τραχηλος trakhēlos  neck; πυρ pur, πυρος puros  fire.

Red-necked Woodpecker (olallae)
SCI Name: Campephilus rubricollis olallae
olallae / olallai
Alfonso Maria Olalla (1899-1971) Ecuadorian professional collector in Amazonia (subsp. Campephilus rubricollis, syn. Cantorchilus griseus, MyiopagisPteroglossus azara x Pteroglossus inscriptus).