Bornean Treepie

Bornean Treepie / Dendrocitta cinerascens

Bornean Treepie

Here the details of the Bornean Treepie named bird below:

SCI Name:  Dendrocitta cinerascens
Protonym:  Dendrocitta cinerascens Ibis (4) 3 (11) p. 250-251, pl. VIII
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Corvidae /
Taxonomy Code:  bortre1
Type Locality:  Mt. Kinabalu, northern Borneo.
Publish Year:  1879
IUCN Status:  


(Corvidae; Ϯ White-bellied Treepie D. leucogastra) Gr. δενδρον dendron  tree; κιττα kitta  magpie; "The genus proposed by Mr. Gould comprehends the Pica vagabunda, Wagl., Pica Sinensis, Gray, and a third species which the author believes to have been hitherto unnoticed.  To this group, on account of its arboreal habits, he gives the name of  DENDROCITTA.  Rostrum capite brevius, cultratum, ad basin latum, culmine arcuato, lateribus subtumidis.  Nares basales, plumis setaceis partim tectæ. Alæ mediocres, remigibus 5ta 6taque longioribus.  Cauda elongata, cuneata, rectricibus spatulatis.  Tarsi breves, debiles.  Digiti mediocres.  Hallux fortis, ungue forti, incurvo.  Typus genericus. DENDROCITTA LEUCOGASTRA.  ...  The shortness and comparative feeblenessof the tarsi in Dendrocitta, and its more elongated tail, the feathers of which are equally graduated, except the two middle ones which are much longer than the others, distinguish it from the typical Picæ, the common Magpie for example.  These characters are in accordance with its habit of wandering from tree to tree in search of its food. It is further distinguished by the form of its bill.  All the species yet known are natives of Eastern Asia." (Gould 1833); "Dendrocitta Gould, 1833, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 57.  Type, by original designation, Dendrocitta leucogastra Gould." (Vaurie in Peters, 1962, XV, p. 246).
Var. Dendrositta.
Synon. Vagabunda.

Late L. cinerescens, cinerescentis  ashen  < cinerescere  to turn to ashes  < L. cinis, cineris  ashes.
● ex “Mésange Grisette” of Levaillant 1803, pl. 138 (Melaniparus).