Golden Pheasant

Golden Pheasant / Chrysolophus pictus

Golden Pheasant

Here the details of the Golden Pheasant named bird below:

SCI Name:  Chrysolophus pictus
Protonym:  Phasianus pictus Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.158
Taxonomy:  Galliformes / Phasianidae /
Taxonomy Code:  golphe
Type Locality:  China.
Publish Year:  1758
IUCN Status:  


(Phasianidae; Ϯ Golden Pheasant C. pictus) Gr. χρυσολοφος khrusolophos  with golden crest  < χρυσος khrusos  gold; λοφος lophos  crest; "[plate 41, fig.] 2. HEAD OF THE COMMON GOLDEN PHEASANT  ·  CHRYSOLOPHUS PICTUS. (Gray.)" (J. Gray 1834); "Chrysolophus J. E. Gray, in Hardwicke's Ill. Ind. Zool., 2, pt. 15-16, 1834, pl. 41, f. 2. Type, by monotypy, Phasianus pictus Linné." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 130).
Synon. Epomia, Thaumalea.
● (Tyrannidaesyn. Machetornis Ϯ Cattle Tyrant M. rixosa) "TYRAN QUERELLEUR ou SUIRIRI, Tyrannus rixosus, Vieill.  ...  les plumes du sommet de la tête, brunes à leur extrémité, et d'un rouge d'écarlate dans le reste" (Vieillot 1819); "CHRYSOLOPHUS, Sw.  Walking Tyrants.  Bill lengthened, as long as the head; the sides compressed.  Rictus bristled.  Wings rounded; the first two quills gradually pointed at their ends; tertials lengthened, nearly as long as the primaries.  Feet large, formed for walking.  Lateral toes equal.  Tail even.  Brazil.  C. ambulans. Spix, ii. pl. 23." (Swainson 1837); "Chrysolophus Swainson, 1837 (not of Gray, 1834), Class. Birds, 2, p. 225. Type, by monotypy, "C. ambulans. Spix, II, pl. 23" = Tyrannus rixosus Vieillot." (Traylor in Peters, 1979, VIII, p. 185).

chrysolophus / chrysolopos / chrysolopus
Gr. χρυσολοφος khrusolophos  with golden crest  < χρυσος khrusos  gold; λοφος lophos  crest.

L. pictus  painted  < pingere  to paint.
● ex “Crying Bird” of Bartram 1791 (subsp. Aramus guarauna).
● "90. PHASIANUS.  ...  pictus.  4. P. crista flava, pectore coccineo, remigibus secundariis cæruleis. Amœn. acad. I. p. 282. t. 13.  Phasianus variis coloribus splendidus. Edw. av. 68. t. 68. & t. 69. f. 2.  Phasianus ruber, e china. Alb. av. 3. p. 34. t. 36.  Habitat in China.” (Linnaeus 1758) (Chrysolophus).
● ex “Barbu de Maynas” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 330, “Beau Tamatia” of de Buffon 1770-1785, and “Beautiful Barbet” of Latham 1782 (syn. Eubucco versicolor).
● ex “Pintado Partridge, var. A” of Latham 1787 (Francolinus).