Black-breasted Boatbill

Black-breasted Boatbill / Machaerirhynchus nigripectus

Black-breasted Boatbill

Here the details of the Black-breasted Boatbill named bird below:

SCI Name:  Machaerirhynchus nigripectus
Protonym:  Macheirhynchus nigripectus Nederl.Tijdschr.Dierk. 4 p.43
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Machaerirhynchidae /
Taxonomy Code:  blbboa1
Type Locality:  interior of Vogelkop = Arfak Mountains, fide Mayr, 1941, List New Guinea Birds, p. 138.
Publish Year:  1871
IUCN Status:  


(Machaerirhynchidae; Ϯ Yellow-breasted Boatbill M. flaviventer) Gr. μαχαιρα makhaira  large knife, dagger; ῥυγχος rhunkhos  bill; "MACHÆRIRHYNCHUS FLAVIVENTER, Gould.   Yellow-breasted Flycatcher." (Gould 1851); "Family MUSCICAPIDÆ?  Genus MACHÆRIRHYNCHUS.   Gen. Char.  Bill rather shorter than the head, very much depressed and widely dilated, causing it to assume a lancet-like form; culmen elevated, forming a distinct ridge down the centre of the upper mandible, and continued over its extremity in the form of a sharp hook; under mandible convex; tomiæ straight, the upper very slightly slightly overlapping the lower; rictus beset with fine but stiff bristles; nostrils oblong, partly covered with an operculum, and seated in large and deep depressions occupying the basal half of the upper mandible; wings short and somewhat rounded, the first quill very short, the second much shorter than the third, the fifth the longest; tail moderate in length, distinctly graduated, the outer feathers being little more than half the length of the central ones; tarsi moderate in length and slight in structure; toes feeble, particularly the anterior ones; the two outer toes equal in length, and united from the base to the first joint; hind toe rather long; claws hooked and very sharp." (Gould 1852); "Machaerirhynchus Gould, 1851, Birds Australia, Suppl., pt. 1, pl. and text. Type, by monotypy, Machaerirhynchus flaviventer Gould." (Mayr in Peters 1986, XI, 527).
Var. Macheirhynchus, Machirhynchus, Machaerorhynchus, Machaerirhuynchus.

L. niger  black; pectus, pectoris  breast.


Black-breasted Boatbill (nigripectus)
SCI Name: Machaerirhynchus nigripectus nigripectus
L. niger  black; pectus, pectoris  breast.

Black-breasted Boatbill (saturatus)
SCI Name: Machaerirhynchus nigripectus saturatus
saturatum / saturatus
L. saturatus  richly coloured, darker coloured, intensely coloured  < satur, satura  rich, copious  < satis  enough.
● “In my description of this Cuckoo [Cuculus micropterus] ...I considered certain dark ash-coloured specimens to be merely the old birds of the species ...Mr Hodgson, however, thinks differently, having lately forwarded similar examples by the designation C. saturatus” (Blyth 1843) (Cuculus).

Black-breasted Boatbill (harterti)
SCI Name: Machaerirhynchus nigripectus harterti
harterti / hartertiana / hartertianus
Ernst Johann Otto Hartert (1859-1933) German ornithologist, collector, Curator of Rothschild Mus., Tring (syn. Acestrura berlepschi, subsp. Acrocephalus australis, subsp. Alauda arvensis, syn. Aplonis opaca kurodai, subsp. Arses telescopthalmus, syn. Artamus leucoryn leucopygialis, AsthenesBatrachostomus, syn. Brachypteryx leucophrys carolinae, subsp. Burhinus oedicnemus, subsp. Buteo buteoCamaroptera, subsp. Campylorhynchus albobrunneus, syn. Certhia brachydactyla, subsp. Chalcites lucidus, syn. Chlorocichla simplex, subsp. Cincloramphus macrurus, subsp. Circus aeruginosus, syn. Cisticola juncidis, syn. Columba delegorguei sharpei, subsp. Crypturellus soui, syn. Cyanistes caeruleus ogliastrae, syn. Cyornis unicolor cyanopolia, subsp. Dendrocopos major, subsp. Dicrurus macrocercus, syn. Dryobates minor colchicus, syn. Dyaphorophyia concreta graueri, subsp. Emberiza schoeniclus, syn. Entomyzon cyanotis, syn. Eophona migratoria sowerbyi, subsp. Eudynamys scolopaceus, subsp. Eumyias panayensis, syn. Eurostopodus argusEurylaimus, syn. Falco peregrinus calidusFicedula, subsp. Fringilla coelebs, syn. Galerida theklae ruficolor, syn. Geospiza fuliginosa, subsp. Heleia superciliaris, subsp. Hemiprocne longipennis, syn. Hieraaetus pennatus, syn. Hypsipetes amaurotis stejnegeri, syn. Icterus icterus, subsp. Illadopsis turdina, syn. Jynx torquilla sarudnyi, syn. Lagonosticta nitidula, subsp. Linaria cannabina, syn. Lullula arborea pallida, subsp. Machaerirhynchus nigripectus, subsp. Malacocincla sepiaria, subsp. Melanorectes nigrescens, syn. Metallura tyrianthina oreopola, subsp. Micropsitta pusio, subsp. Mirafra africana, syn. Monarcha cinerascens, subsp. Mulleripicus pulverulentus, syn. Myiozetetes cayanensis hellmayri, subsp. Myrmecocichla arnotti, subsp. Myzomela obscura, syn. Ochrospiza dorsostriata maculicollis, syn. Onychognathus fulgidus hartlaubii, syn. Phylloscopus orientalis, syn. Phylloscopus reguloides assamensis, Phlogophilus, syn. Picoides kizuki matsudairai, subsp. Picumnus olivaceus, subsp. Pittasoma rufopileatum, subsp. Pnoepyga pusilla, syn. Poephila personata, subsp. Prionops caniceps, subsp. Psittacella brehmii, syn. Pternistis afer cranchii, syn. Pycnonotus barbatus tricolor, syn. Rhipidura albiscapa alisteri, syn. Rhipidura rufifrons granti, subsp. Rhodinocichla rosea, syn. Rhyticeros plicatus, syn. Scotocerca inquieta, subsp. Sericornis frontalis, syn. Sitta europaea roseilia, syn. Strix aluco nivicola, syn. Sturnus vulgaris porphyronotus, Tarphonomus, subsp. Terpsiphone viridis, Thapsinillas, syn. Treron curvirostra, syn. Vanellus miles, syn. Yuhina flavicollis rouxi, subsp. Zosterops citrinella, syn. Zosterops japonicus simplex).