Little Woodpecker

Little Woodpecker / Dryobates passerinus

Little Woodpecker

Here the details of the Little Woodpecker named bird below:

SCI Name:  Dryobates passerinus
Protonym:  Picus passerinus Syst.Nat.ed.12 ed.12 p.174
Taxonomy:  Piciformes / Picidae /
Taxonomy Code:  litwoo2
Type Locality:  Dominica, error := Cayenne, by designation of Berlepsch and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 9, 1902, p. 93.
Publish Year:  1766
IUCN Status:  


(Picidae; Ϯ Downy Woodpecker D. pubescens) Gr. δρυς drus, δρυος druos  tree; βατης batēs  walker  < βατεω bateō  to tread  < βαινω bainō  to walk; "XXIX. Fam. Picidae  ...  Dryobates: Picus pubescens Gm. u. s. w." (Boie 1826); “In the 1st edition of the List and in the Cat. Birds B. M. the generic name Dendrocopus is used. This was first introduced by Koch [Dendrocopos 1816] ...  for the Spotted Woodpeckers. The same name, however, had previously been used by Vieillot [1816] ...  The type of Vieillot’s Dendrocopus is either “le Picucule” or “le Talapiot” of Daubenton, now known respectively as Dendrocolaptes certhia (Bodd.) and Dendroplex picus (Gmel.), both of which belong to the family Dendrocolaptidae. Dendrocopus cannot therefore be used for the Spotted Woodpeckers.” (BOU 1915); "Dryobates Boie, Isis von Oken, 1826, Bd. 2, col. 977. Type, by monotypy, Picus pubescens Linné." (Peters, 1948, VI, p. 180).
Synon. Hyloscopus.

Gr. δρυς drus, δρυος druos  tree; βατης batēs  walker  < βατεω bateō  to tread  < βαινω bainō  to walk.

passerinum / passerinus
L. passerinus  sparrow-like (i.e. sparrow-sized, small)  < passer, passeris  sparrow (see passerina).
● "44. PSITTACUS.  ...  passerinus.  37. P. brachyurus luteo virens, macula alarum alisque subtus cæruleis. Mus. Ad. Fr. I. p. 14.  Habitat in America.  Magnitudo Passeris.  Remiges subtus & tectrices alarum primariæ cæruleæ.” (Linnaeus 1758) (Forpus).
● "42. STRIX.  ...  passerina.  11. S. capite lævi, remigibus albis: maculis quinque ordinum. Fn. Svec. 53.  Noctua minima. Gesn. av. 620. Aldr. ornith. l. 8. c. 7. Will. ornith. 69. t. 13. Raj. av. 26. n. 6. Alb. av. 2. p. 12. t. 12. Frisch. av. t. 100.  Habitat in Europa." (Linnaeus 1758) (Glaucidium).
● ex “Petit pic de S. Domingue” of Brisson 1760 (Veniliornis).


Little Woodpecker (fidelis)
SCI Name: Dryobates passerinus fidelis
L. fidelis  faithful, steadfast  < fides  trust  < fidere  to trust.
• "9.  FAITHFUL JACANA  ...  The natives, who keep poultry in great numbers, have one of these tame, which goes along with the flock about the neighbourhood to feed during the day, when this faithful shepherd defends them against birds of prey; being able, by means of the spurs on the wings, to drive off birds as big as the Carrion Vulture, and even that bird itself.  It is so far of the greatest use, as it never deserts the charge committed to its care, bringing them all home safe at night." (Latham 1785); "the Indians of Carthagena rear some among their flocks of Geese and Poultry, as they deem it very courageous, and capable of repulsing even a Vulture" (Blyth 1840) (syn. Chauna chavaria).
• “I wish to express my obligation to Mr. Robert Ridgway, Curator of Birds, U.S. National Museum, for his aid in the determination of the status of the species described here” (Nelson, 1912) (subsp. Monasa morphoeus).

Little Woodpecker (modestus)
SCI Name: Dryobates passerinus modestus
modesta / modestum / modestus
L. modestus  plain, modest, unassuming  < modus  measure, standard.

Little Woodpecker (passerinus)
SCI Name: Dryobates passerinus passerinus
passerinum / passerinus
L. passerinus  sparrow-like (i.e. sparrow-sized, small)  < passer, passeris  sparrow (see passerina).
● "44. PSITTACUS.  ...  passerinus.  37. P. brachyurus luteo virens, macula alarum alisque subtus cæruleis. Mus. Ad. Fr. I. p. 14.  Habitat in America.  Magnitudo Passeris.  Remiges subtus & tectrices alarum primariæ cæruleæ.” (Linnaeus 1758) (Forpus).
● "42. STRIX.  ...  passerina.  11. S. capite lævi, remigibus albis: maculis quinque ordinum. Fn. Svec. 53.  Noctua minima. Gesn. av. 620. Aldr. ornith. l. 8. c. 7. Will. ornith. 69. t. 13. Raj. av. 26. n. 6. Alb. av. 2. p. 12. t. 12. Frisch. av. t. 100.  Habitat in Europa." (Linnaeus 1758) (Glaucidium).
● ex “Petit pic de S. Domingue” of Brisson 1760 (Veniliornis).

Little Woodpecker (diversus)
SCI Name: Dryobates passerinus diversus
diversum / diversus
L. diversus different, diverse < divertere to differ.
• "Ammodramus caudacatus diversus, subsp. nov.  SOUTHERN SHARP-TAILED SPARROW.  ...  In general plumage A. c. diversus has the richest coloring of any of the group, including  even spring specimens of A. nelsoni.  Typical examples of this form in winter resemble very closely some specimens of nelsoni in the coloring of the upper parts — much more than they resemble typical examples of A. caudacutus —  but may be easily distinguished from the former at any season by their larger size, longer bill and very conspicuous dark stripes on the breast and flanks." (L. B. Bishop 1901) (subsp. Ammodramus caudacutus).
• "CELEUS LORICATUS DIVERSUS  Ridgway.   TALAMANCA WOODPECKER.  Similar to C. l. loricatus (of eastern Panama and northern Colombia), but rump and under parts of body decidedly darker (cinnamon), nearly, sometimes quite, concolor with foreneck and (in female) throat, blackish bars averaging larger and more numerous (especially on upper parts), and averaging decidedly larger." (Ridgway 1914) (subsp. Celeus loricatus).
• "Chlorospingus pileatus diversus, new subspecies  ...  The much greater contrast of the light abdomen with the more richly, deeply colored flanks easily distinguishes this new form from typical pileatus." (Griscom 1924) (subsp. Chlorospingus pileatus).
• "I find, on the contrary, that the birds of the two localities are as separable from each other as are the other recognized (and valid) races of the species.  The Huitzilac, Morelos, birds, being topotypical griseipectus, retain that name, while for the San Sebastián, Jalisco, specimens I propose the name—  Dendrortyx macroura diversus, n. subsp." (Friedmann 1943) (subsp. Dendrortyx macroura).
• "6.  Dicaeum geelvinkianum diversum subsp. nov.   Nearest to D. g. rubrocoronatum, but differs by the somewhat lighter, more scarlet crown and upper tail-coverts, and the more steel-blue, not purple, upper surface, which is also tinged with olive." (Rothschild & Hartert 1903) (subsp. Dicaeum geelvinkianum).
• "A number of years ago the United States National Museum received four specimens of a Piprisoma that had been collected in Palawan by the Menage Expedition.  These were put aside by the author for further study and then neglected.  They had been originally identified as Piprisoma modestum by the collector and are indeed close to that species.  I can not find that this species has ever been credited to the Philippines.  The four bird skins evidently represent an un-named species, which may be known as:   Piprisoma diversum, sp. nov.  ...  Similar to Piprisoma modestum modestum, but brighter above  ...  bill broader at the base and the lower mandible more swollen; white on the inner web on the outer tail feathers at the tip much reduced." (Riley 1936) (syn. Dicaeum aeruginosum affine).
• "Grallaria macularia diversa, new subspecies  ...  I was at first confident that this form would prove to be entitled to the name diluta, described by Hellmayr from Thomar, Rio Negro, Brazil, and later synonymized with paraensis, but a reëxamination of the type, kindly made for me by Dr. Hellmayr, indicates the distinction of the present form." (J. Zimmer 1934) (subsp. Hylopezus macularius).
• "Leptopogon amaurocephalus diversus subsp. nov.   Similar to Leptopogon amaurocephalus amaurocephalus Cabanis, but smaller, the back slightly darker green, the cap very much darker brown, the under surface paler yellow posteriorly, and the rectrices edged internally with buffy." (Todd 1913) (subsp. Leptopogon amaurocephalus).
• "Todirostrum maculatum diversum, new subspecies   ...   As noted above, specimens from part of the range of diversum show variational tendencies in one direction or another.  Birds from Teffé often approach signatum but average closer to diversum; birds from the Xingú approach the present form but average closer to maculatum.  ...  Although somewhat variable, therefore, diversum is fairly consistent in the characters that distinguish it from the other forms." (J. Zimmer 1940) (subsp. Todirostrum maculatum).
• "Veniliornis passerinus diversus, new subspecies  ...  Similar to V. p. insignis and similarly separable from passerinus, olivinus, and agilis but to different degrees in respect to certain details." (J. Zimmer 1942) (subsp. Veniliornis passerinus).
• "In this southeastern corner of Brazil, the population differs from both agilis and chivi sufficiently to deserve separate recognition, and since there is no available name for such a subspecies, it may be known as follows.  Vireo olivaceus diversus, new subspecies" (J. Zimmer 1941) (subsp. Vireo olivaceus).

Little Woodpecker (agilis)
SCI Name: Dryobates passerinus agilis
agile / agilis
L. agilis  nimble, active  < agere  to set in motion.
● "44. PSITTACUS.  ...  agilis.  15. P. submacrourus viridis, tectricibus remigum primorum cærulescentium fulvis, cauda subtus rubra.  Psittacus minor viridis. Edw. av. 168. t. 168.  Habitat in America.  Magnitudo Coccothraustis. Cauda cuneiformis, sed non elongata." (Linnaeus 1758) (Amazona).
● ex “Gobe-mouche olive de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 574, fig. 2, and de Buffon 1770-1786, and “Active Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (?Empidonax sp. or Myiobius sp.).

Little Woodpecker (olivinus)
SCI Name: Dryobates passerinus olivinus
olivina / olivinus
Mod. L. olivinus  olivine, olive  < L. oliva  olive.
● "Cinerascenti-olivacea  ... loris, oculorum ambitu, gutture et abdomine medio flavido indutis" (P. Sclater 1864); ex "Tanagra olivina" of Natterer MS (based on a sub-adult bird) (subsp. Schistochlamys melanopis).

Little Woodpecker (taenionotus)
SCI Name: Dryobates passerinus taenionotus
Gr. ταινια tainia band, ribbon; -νωτος -nōtos -backed < νωτον nōton back.

Little Woodpecker (tapajozensis)
SCI Name: Dryobates passerinus tapajozensis
Rio Tapajóz, Brazil.

Little Woodpecker (insignis)
SCI Name: Dryobates passerinus insignis
L. insignis  extraordinary, remarkable, notable (e.g. very large)  < in   towards; signum  mark.